Funny how that works, doesnt?
And speaking from experience, usually the ones that are finding stuff wrong with a release are those that are trying to justify to themselves when they cant afford something....
Not saying anyone in particular is doing that in this tread, but it can be a reason.
But those that arent happy with the price have a right to be unhappy, and theres no convincing them otherwise, same can be said for those that are happy and are getting shouldnt be getting **** for being able to afford and being happy with it. Telling people they "need help" for paying $300 for a collectible is uncalled for imo.
But really those that are not happy with the price, are you still buying it? If so then your complaint is useless. Youre just showing HT that youll pay it regardless and you are being a hypocrite.
And if you arent getting it, then whats the point of being in this thread? Just to come in and whine about a price you have no control over whatsoever?
I dont usually go into threads that I have no intention of buying the product. I find it to be a waste of time. Theres enough threads here about products I am buying to keep me more than busy.