Unfortunately no, I've really quieted with purchases through them an used all my points up awhile ago, which sucks cuz I'd rather this hulk than the Godzilla I bought with the points. Like some have said, this may be found for deals on release, which is also a ways off from now I'm sure.
Part of my issue with the price is having the Diamond Marvel Select Hulk from Avengers. Not even in the same league of overall quality, but with Diamond I felt I was underpaying for how it looked and what it could do. With HT, I'm a little surprised by some of their choices, like why make arms out of material that could break more easily to gain a very minimal amount of articulation instead of using a more durable material with no articulation or a somewhat obvious joint. Compared to Hulk's feet, an elbow joint like ther current muscle bodies would look less noticable. You can tell they did all they could to hide joints, but I'm from tha camp that wants maximum action out of figures and embraces joints within reason, which I think the HT and Enterbay muscle bodies achieve.