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Thanks YF... He doesn't seem to be selling too well in HK, the character doesn't appeal here, especially since there are so many figures to choose from these days
No problem. :duff IM sells well there, obviously, but isn't Cap popular there too? I also get the feeling that SW and QS aren't big sellers there either.

Yes you're right, only the main characters from the movies do well here, people haven't grown up with the comics and cartoons and don't have much connection with the side characters. IM does especially well here I think cause people locals dig robots, anime/gundam influence and all.
Love this figure, the head sculpt is amazing.

I recently ordered my first international order from timcent. The package has been in isc Los Angeles for four days now. Does anybody have any idea how long a package stays in customs?
I recently ordered my first international order from timcent. The package has been in isc Los Angeles for four days now. Does anybody have any idea how long a package stays in customs?

There's no standard really. Just depends on how busy they are and holidays ect. LA is the busiest port city in the USA so that doesn't help. But if it's under a week I wouldn't stress it.
I recently ordered my first international order from timcent. The package has been in isc Los Angeles for four days now. Does anybody have any idea how long a package stays in customs?

Dude, my package has been in ISC Los Angeles since Last Friday along with Pietro so I'm still waiting as well.