Given how well you seem to know/like Vader, how have you been able to resist getting one by now? Great discipline on your part.

Thank you again for the thoughtful response. Very insightful and helpful.
Well, it’s been less discipline and more finances. And I DO have a 1/6 Vader... the original Sideshow ANH

with a modded dome. I suppose in truth it’s been a total lack of discipline that has resulted in me never getting a HT Vader. I’ve spent enough on collectibles over the years to have bought one, but I’ve never had enough of a budget to spend that much at once. And I’ve always had a hard time dropping that much on one single item.
I did come close to getting the R1 Vader. I had dropped a lot of hints for my birthday that year and my wife did get the handful of family members that still send me gifts as an adult to all pool together and get me a really nice Vader-themed present. But it was the eFx PCR helmet (which I had also dropped hints about). She told me she had thought very hard about which one I’d enjoy more in the long-term and she picked the helmet. And she was totally right! No action figure compares to having a 1 to 1 replica of the original (and best!) Vader helmet sitting on display. And I never look at it and think “oh this angle is wrong” or “that proportion is off”

. (And yes, I know there are some compromises with the PCR helmet, but they are infinitesimal compared to the discrepancies in any action figure version).
But that’s enough of a side bar. You are right, I’m an obsessive Vader nerd. Glad you found my thoughts helpful.
The more I’ve seen (that French YouTube review in particular was really helpful) the more I’m convinced this is a great figure. He was able to really futz the belt, cod, and robes just right.
But.... I’m still really troubled by the tusks. They are REALLY throwing the look of the facemask off. And the more I look at them, the less sure I am that they can be fixed without major work. If you look closely at the tusk tubes and compare them to a real helmet, it seems the tubes themselves come too far down right beside the mouth, which is driving the problem of the tusk angle.
Basically, on the actual prop, the bottom tube goes all the way out past the mouth, where the tusk inserts into the tube. And the BOTTOM of that lower tube more or less lines up with the bottom of the UPPER mouth triangle. The upper tube comes down and actually curves forward as it blends into the lower tube.
On the figure, the upper tube goes straight, all the way out past the mouth, with the lower tube blending into the upper tube, but the upper tube dominating the angle and look of that blending (and by extension, the angle of the tusks). Also, the TOP of the UPPER tube appears to align with the BOTTOM of the upper nought triangle.
It’s a small detail but it’s having a dramatic impact on the likeness. I believe this is the key factor creating the appearance of a “long” face.