Black Sheep
Super Freak
Ordered. Can not have too many Vaders in one's Star Wars collection. Add me to the list of buyers who will get the eventual RotJ version too
When I got the pre-order email today, I abandoned a work email mid-sentence and picked up my phone and PO'd instantly. I've also got the ANH Vader & Tarkin on PO. But I'll never get rid of my SS Deluxe. I've even kept my SS ANH. Both have some mods and won't do that well on the secondary market with the HT versions revealed. I've decided that one can't have too many Vaders, and the challenge is to find poses for the weaker figures that minimize their flaws.
Took a dremel to SS Deluxe to get an ab crunch and swapped the "got my pants on backwards" outfit for the ANH suit:
View attachment 379757
Here's a good pose for the SS ANH
View attachment 379759
Just kidding, it's OK from some angles with a helmet adjustment and custom cape:
View attachment 379760
Would you recommend KGHobby?
I have to pay customs + shipping if I buy from sideshow. Assuming shipping would be 40 USD as usual, 267 + 53.4 (%20 Customs) + 40 (Shipping) - 13.35 (Reward Point) = Roughly 350 USD. If I order from KGHobby, figure is 230 USD + 40 (Assuming shipping) + 46 (Assuming they do not write lower value for customs) = Roughly 316 USD.
Does anyone now whether they write lower value for customs?
Can this sell out in 2 months at SS?
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Between the movie costumes or the HT figures? If the costume, this touches on a few items (and a few of these also relate to the HT figures. Those are marked with *):
Different gloves*
Different chest box*
Different helmet dome
Different mask*
Different body suit*
Different pectoral armor*
Different belt/buckle*
Different belt boxes"
Different cod piece*
Different robes*
And the beat goes on.... others will undoubtedly add to the list
You need ANH Vader standing with Tarkin, ESB Vader dueling Luke, and ROTJ Vader with his helmet off. Theres really no excuse to have just one.
I initially missed out on the RO Vader because I thought it wouldn't sell out as quickly as it did.
RO Vader took almost a year to sell out didn’t it?
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I guess I'm remembering that it quickly went to waitlist after RO came out in theaters![]()
Sold out at BBTS.