1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 452 - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

BTW this could be the start for ESB Stormies

Looks like grey frowns in the picture though, but how stupid would they be to not do it? I will start saving up for a bunch of them..:lol
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

The base is a nice touch, but I feel it will hinder my possibility options (minus). I don’t think it will fit on a Detolf shelf due to the added height (minus). Personally If I am going to consider dropping $300+ on Darth Vader I would want it to feel somewhat complete meaning I would like the full Anakin Head sculpt (minus). I think I have the patience to wait for the ROTJ which (fingers crossed) will fill complete (plus)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Luke can have the Cloud City base, and Vader a simple black oval base.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Well this is a definite PO for me.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Why would they do Anakin headsculpt when there is none in the movie? I really really hope they will not do that.

He looks 99% there. Just need to get rid of the widows peak, the silver dot/button next to the buckle, and tone down the pleats. All of this can be done with some futzing.
Silver button is accurate:
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Looks like grey frowns in the picture though, but how stupid would they be to not do it? I will start saving up for a bunch of them..:lol

Yeah, those look like ANH troopers to me.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Is there a huge difference between ESB and ROTJ Vader?
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Getting this for sure. Want a full reveal ROTJ too but don't want a puppy-dog eyed old man Anakin, which they most likely will do for screen accuracy. An angry or solemn expression would be ideal for me but he was never seen like that in the movie.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Full Anakin head in ROTJ.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

R1 version is good enough.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

I already have an ANH Vader so I'm not sure I need another one...but I do want the gloves!
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

dat Blue square on his chest box is everything to me. I hate the green square.


It does get down to bits like that.

Do you like the grey and red switches or the black and white ones?

I actually like the green square -- its an Imperial designation no one has. Green. Then 'Empire' gave him one standard blue and one red. He's like the Emperor's #1.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

I prefer back when I didn't know what he looked like, when I did see him in ROTJ I remember thinking he didn't look as bad as I imagined he would.

I prefer this design over the ANH version, it's sleeker, the lights actually work on the chest box. In ANH it just feels like his costume is cobbled together. ROTJ version is a little too shiny and pristine for me. I won't even consider a ROTS version.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

Is there a huge difference between ESB and ROTJ Vader?

Huge difference? No.

Now the Vader detail sticklers will be pissed. :lol

As someone mentioned though, I'm cool with my ANH Vader. This one looks really nice, but I'm probably in the minority where I prefer the ANH look with the robes over the armor.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

R1 Vader made the SS Deluxe (which I own) look inferior displayed next to each other at a local collectable store. Detail for Detail R1 ranked supreme. However the SS Deluxe Vader looks damn near perfect displayed alone on its shelf at home. It is only the owner (us) who know these details, nobody else cares!! To them any 1/6 scale is amazing when compared to their 3 3/4” actions figure they might have owned from the 80’s. I am fortunate to own a $250 SS Darth Vader and it feels wrong and “spoiled” to even think of spending another $300 for a upgrade. I don’t really know what I’m saying but I hope you understand.

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