Here's the Vaders I've owned over the years
Cinemacast Vader :looked good at the time but very inaccurate..barely looks like Vader but cool pose. Displayed on my shelf about 10 years. Broke in several places and paint started to chip. I'll never buy another figure in porcelain or Polystone
Kotobuyika "Final Duel" 1/7 RotJ vader : Weird pose, inaccurate helmet .Displayed for 5 years
Kotobuyika 1/7 ANH Vader. Got that last year. Worst figure I ever bought and biggest mistake
Disney Elite Vader. Looks decent but head too small and made of cheap unpainted plastic .Cape sucks
Hot Toys rogue One. Overpaid on ebay Probably the best Vader I ever owned and my first true 1/6th figure. Good representation of Vader but Head Sculpt not perfect, especially the dome. Annoying enough for me to want another one
so I'm gambling this one will be better in the end