I've explained how I know, or where/how I get my info many times. I don't feel like going through that again.
Spiderman is a top seller in units sold overall. When you factor in every release. But he is also the second highest licensing fee. And his approval process is longer and more complicated then and marvel studio figure. Again, total sold is not how you judge the figure. It's margins. As it is (or should be anyway) with amy business. The margins on spiderman are lower then iron man. Lower then most alien and terminator and POTC and many others. If the sales where great they would have pumped out all kinds of stuff. And different variations of the character (battle damage, a Parker figure, ect). Wouldn't matter if there was a reboot coming or not. Gonna be 2-5 years before those figures arrive.
Well, they did make an Electro (and they also made a Rhino, but never mass produced it). I think they can only make so many figures, and Star Wars and Avengers sell like nothing else. They concentrate on where the money is, and than make the odd figure once in a while. Not enough love for Spider-Man 2 (sadly)... anyway, bottom-line. We're not getting that Rhino.