See for yourself. They nailed his likeness with this one. I just wish they would give us a full sculpt of him instead of just his face inside the helmet.Is the Rhodey sculpt considered an improvement from the WM Mk1 sculpt?
Is the Rhodey sculpt considered an improvement from the WM Mk1 sculpt?
Why does it come with two faceplates?
Why does it come with two faceplates?
Not completely sure myself. The difference is one a slightly opened faceplate meaning that the cracks that run vertically up and down the face appear to have greater definition and wider black lines...ever so slighty.
The headscupt is pretty good but I never display my figures with the open mask.
Two because one is to cover the face and the other the light up feature.
Just guessing here but I think we have the full light up head (mask is not removable), mask to cover face sculpt (non-light-up) and mask to wear in "up" position. The lines are wider on the "up" mask, as though the suit's pressure seal is broken, with the mask cracking open to raise up.