1/6 Hot Toys - MMS231 - Thor: The Dark World - Loki (Specs + Hi-Res Pictures)

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I don't know why people are acting like it's the final product. I mean it's bad but come on, it's not like HT are ignoring our comments.
The QS001 TDKR received a lot of criticisms too when first shown proto, but then was sold out immediately after the display pictures at SDCC 2013.
Give it some time fellas.
Meanwhile, let's talk MORE about why this figure would cost $250 with an accessory like a simple dagger WHICH was already given for the Avengers Loki.
Besides only the exclusive piece I'm interested in, I don't see how this figure is any more simpler than HT mass producing Tony Stark figures (both of which are just a figure + clothing)
I don't know why people are acting like it's the final product. I mean it's bad but come on, it's not like HT are ignoring our comments.
The QS001 TDKR received a lot of criticisms too when first shown proto, but then was sold out immediately after the display pictures at SDCC 2013.
Give it some time fellas.
Meanwhile, let's talk MORE about why this figure would cost $250 with an accessory like a simple dagger WHICH was already given for the Avengers Loki.
Besides only the exclusive piece I'm interested in, I don't see how this figure is any more simpler than HT mass producing Tony Stark figures (both of which are just a figure + clothing)

The head (banners too) had more then adequate time for them to sculpt a proper piece and show it. It's not like they were rushing a license announcement and need a quick proto to show off. They know by now how intolerant of crap we are. I swear they do it to provide the illusion to us that they "listen" and will update sculpts to please us, its simply horse ****.

The price is so insane its certifiable. They really are fisting us, and a majority like to take the fisting nice and dry it seems
I don't know why people are acting like it's the final product. I mean it's bad but come on, it's not like HT are ignoring our comments.
The QS001 TDKR received a lot of criticisms too when first shown proto, but then was sold out immediately after the display pictures at SDCC 2013.
Give it some time fellas.
Meanwhile, let's talk MORE about why this figure would cost $250 with an accessory like a simple dagger WHICH was already given for the Avengers Loki.
Besides only the exclusive piece I'm interested in, I don't see how this figure is any more simpler than HT mass producing Tony Stark figures (both of which are just a figure + clothing)

The price is the real problem
Wow, these prices sure are going up... It will be $300 bucks a pop (if not more) by this time next year. I hope they release the BTTF figures before it gets to that.
Easy pass.... what a waste, I guess people that missed the avengers version will be all over this, I might get the accsessories on ebay though

For $240, I'd personally rather spend another hondo on eBay or the for sale section here on an Avengers version and buy the chains and aether on eBay. I'll give it time to see a better HS but feck that if they don't. I'd hope others do the same so HT gets Winter Soldier and Guardians figures right.
The likeness on this is terrible, but maybe it will be improved by release. Debating on whether or not to get this. I like the Exclusive even though it's pretty piddling.
I know Hot Toys tend to tweak the sculpts before production; but for Avengers Loki, the prototype sculp was nearly perfect IMO (and better than the production version). To be starting with a REALLY bad sculpt this time around just really does not inspire confidence.

I think the details on the costume on Avenger Loki is pretty amazing, so this isn't just a figure with simple 'contemporary' clothes. I can see why he cost more; but I don't think he should be more expensive than Dark World Thor. I suppose the $10 difference is for the Aether. But Hot toys has been raising their prices gradually anyhow, so I wasn't really surprised by $240.
I don't know why people are acting like it's the final product. I mean it's bad but come on, it's not like HT are ignoring our comments.
The QS001 TDKR received a lot of criticisms too when first shown proto, but then was sold out immediately after the display pictures at SDCC 2013.
Give it some time fellas.

You're pointing out that Hot Toys listens to criticisms while at the same time apparently telling people to stop criticising and 'just see what happens'. This does not compute.
The price is a problem, it's just insane to ask that when the Tony Stark was only a few bob extra,

off topic, I'm new to HT, can someone link me or something to info about HT and their MMS/DX stuff, I'd like to learn about them.
The Pro's:
- Hot Toys is making a DW Loki for those who missed the Avengers
- Loki's outfit looks solid
- Aether included
- 3 sets of cuffs/restraints

The Con's:
- The sculpt looks like Frodo, a big step back from the previous Loki release
- Rehashed and limited accessories
- Cost: Buying through Sideshow $250, or $260 if with pack out

The Best Case Scenario: Hot Toys Facebook will get shelled with customer complaints pining for a new sculpt and they'll release a much improved one

The Worst Case Scenario: You spend $250/$260 for this set and pop an alternative head on it costing anywhere from $20+ for the custom or $90+ for the Avenger version

Alternative Scenario: You tell HT to stick this release up their bum and you hunt down an Avengers version Loki

The Pro's:
- Hot Toys is making a DW Loki for those who missed the Avengers
- Loki's outfit looks solid
- Aether included
- 3 sets of cuffs/restraints

The Con's:
- The sculpt looks like Frodo, a big step back from the previous Loki release
- Rehashed and limited accessories
- Cost: Buying through Sideshow $250, or $260 if with pack out

The Best Case Scenario: Hot Toys Facebook will get shelled with customer complaints pining for a new sculpt and they'll release a much improved one

The Worst Case Scenario: You spend $250/$260 for this set and pop an alternative head on it costing anywhere from $20+ for the custom or $90+ for the Avenger version

Alternative Scenario: You tell HT to stick this release up their bum and you hunt down an Avengers version Loki


Brilliant :rotfl

Alternative Scenario for me
Even with a great headsculpt, I can't see how this is a $240 figure when DW Thor is $10 less and Mandarin is $25 less. Could the quick pre-order sell out for the Light Asgardian Thor have just given them the confidence to push prices up some more? There still seems to be a market for Loki... but maybe not this Loki. I guess we'll see.
The bubble is about to burst... Im pretty well done with this stuff, and compared to a couple of my friends im in a way better financial situation to collect the volume I do. HB, Starboost and preds for me from now on and im done.

Hahaha a dagger.... wow :lol

If HT were to give us Killian and Ultron (if the character turns out well) then I'm sure I'll be done. With the prices constantly going up, I highly doubt that I'm gonna be able to keep up with all of it. I can see it becoming a problem for some collectors in the future as well.