1/6 Hot Toys - MMS231 - Thor: The Dark World - Loki (Specs + Hi-Res Pictures)

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I'm perfectly happy with my first Loki. This one is just way too off. The only think I like is his outfit, the rest is blah.
Easy pass.... what a waste, I guess people that missed the avengers version will be all over this, I might get the accsessories on ebay though

Pfft, I would have been all over it if it didn't look so bad, now I just get to renew my effort to keep an eye out for a reasonable Avengers one to surface (ha!)
I'm perfectly happy with my first Loki. This one is just way too off. The only think I like is his outfit, the rest is blah.

I think we all know that in a month or so, the re-jigged proto will appear in TH, so like him it's like a little Tom Hiddleston, and everyone will pee their pants at how great it looks, and it will sell out in hours.
I think we all know that in a month or so, the re-jigged proto will appear in TH, so like him it's like a little Tom Hiddleston, and everyone will pee their pants at how great it looks, and it will sell out in hours.

Good? I'd love that to happen
I think we all know that in a month or so, the re-jigged proto will appear in TH, so like him it's like a little Tom Hiddleston, and everyone will pee their pants at how great it looks, and it will sell out in hours.

Wishful thinking, they'll need to do this for Banner as well.
Wishful thinking, they'll need to do this for Banner as well.

But Banner is nowhere near the train wreck this sculpt is. Makes me think HT has exceeded their production limits and now the quality is suffering because of the workload. Frankly, I'm surprised they just didn't rework the Avengers sculpt to begin with. They've used that same horrible Tony Stark for what, 3 Iron Man 3 figures now? They could have easily reused that great Avengers sculpt, but they went the extra work to make a new one when they didn't really have to, but insist on reusing sculpts that weren't good to begin with :confused:
But Banner is nowhere near the train wreck this sculpt is. Makes me think HT has exceeded their production limits and now the quality is suffering because of the workload. Frankly, I'm surprised they just didn't rework the Avengers sculpt to begin with. They've used that same horrible Tony Stark for what, 3 Iron Man 3 figures now? They could have easily reused that great Avengers sculpt, but they went the extra work to make a new one when they didn't really have to, but insist on reusing sculpts that weren't good to begin with :confused:

I completely disagree, imo the Banner sculpt looks like hot garbage on a summer day. I do agree HT should have just worked off the Avengers Loki sculpt which was praised by the majority of collector's. Kudos to them for attempting to give us a fresh Loki sculpt for the Dark World release but someone needed to speak up and be honest with how poor this sculpt is in reality.
The bubble is about to burst... Im pretty well done with this stuff, and compared to a couple of my friends im in a way better financial situation to collect the volume I do. HB, Starboost and preds for me from now on and im done.

Hahaha a dagger.... wow :lol
This was the figure was looking forward to the most and it looks terrible. How could they do such an amazing job on Thor, but drop the ball on Loki? Easy pass.
I really don't know what more worrisome for us collectors, some of the HS Hot Toys have been giving us lately, or that they're willing to charge $250 for a lackluster figure, when less than a year ago we got a superior Loki figure for $30 less
Debating whether to preorder. The head sculpt is REALLY bad. But it's Loki. I was thinking of ebaying an Avengers Loki head to swap with this; but that's like another 100 on top of the $240 =(
I really don't know what more worrisome for us collectors, some of the HS Hot Toys have been giving us lately, or that they're willing to charge $250 for a lackluster figure, when less than a year ago we got a superior Loki figure for $30 less

mk 7 was $250... that should blow peoples minds
I was so excited for this release and with Hot Toys' previous releases I thought they'd hit this out of the park...What a disappointment. They took a big step back! Oh well...I hope they don't make a habit of doing this