1/6 Hot Toys - MMS231 - Thor: The Dark World - Loki (Specs + Hi-Res Pictures)

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No, no no no no nope-ers, nada, nyet uh-uh nah, HELL TO THE NO no no no and yet again I say unto you: No thanks.

in fact the more I see this thing the less I like it!

:rotfl :exactly::goodpost:
Well i might be the only one but i see a lot of Tom in this sculpt and i am glad i P'Od this awesome piece.
Sorry if this has been brought up, I only skimmed the thread; Is anyone worried about the scale issue? Loki is listed as 12.6 inches tall and it seems like maybe Hot Toys is going to be releasing more figures in the scale of their gargantuan Man of Steel. Don't mean to spread any panic, but I'm personally concerned about my future Hot Toys collecting...
Sorry if this has been brought up, I only skimmed the thread; Is anyone worried about the scale issue? Loki is listed as 12.6 inches tall and it seems like maybe Hot Toys is going to be releasing more figures in the scale of their gargantuan Man of Steel. Don't mean to spread any panic, but I'm personally concerned about my future Hot Toys collecting...

Based on the MOS figure and Loki, they are starting to make these figures in 1/6 scale.
Instead of the generic *Every male is 12", and every female is just over 10"* scale that they have used till now.
Yeah that'd actually be a good thing if they started making these figures in actual scale to the actors. Tom Hiddleston IS taller than Chris Hemsworth and it'd be cool if they actually replicate that. The only thing that's pretty off so far that i've noticed was Hulk being too tall but that was their first attempt so that gets a pass.
I'm probably in the minority, based on the last page or so, but I really like what I see. I really wanted a casual Loki from Avengers, without the helmet hair and armor. The likeness isn't perfect, but i'd be happy with it. To me, it always seems like HT sculpts that are a little off in proto pics are usually homeruns, when released, and the ones that are nearly perfect, early on, seem to have something off about the final product.
Yeah that'd actually be a good thing if they started making these figures in actual scale to the actors. Tom Hiddleston IS taller than Chris Hemsworth and it'd be cool if they actually replicate that. The only thing that's pretty off so far that i've noticed was Hulk being too tall but that was their first attempt so that gets a pass.

No Hemsworth is taller than Hiddleston. Hemsworth is 6'4" Hiddleston is 6'2".
Based on the MOS figure and Loki, they are starting to make these figures in 1/6 scale.
Instead of the generic *Every male is 12", and every female is just over 10"* scale that they have used till now.

Yeah that'd actually be a good thing if they started making these figures in actual scale to the actors. Tom Hiddleston IS taller than Chris Hemsworth and it'd be cool if they actually replicate that. The only thing that's pretty off so far that i've noticed was Hulk being too tall but that was their first attempt so that gets a pass.

It would suck if they are just doing this now and making them to scale to the actors, since these new scales won't go with previous figures. They should just stick to the generic scale.

For example the Cavill figure is taller than Hemsworth and Reeve. When in real life Cavill would be the shortest of the 3. And Cavill isn't taller than Dwayne Johnson (Roadblock).
Yeah that'd actually be a good thing if they started making these figures in actual scale to the actors. Tom Hiddleston IS taller than Chris Hemsworth and it'd be cool if they actually replicate that. The only thing that's pretty off so far that i've noticed was Hulk being too tall but that was their first attempt so that gets a pass.

I think the problem with Hulk is that he *was* closer to 1/6th than they normally go. But the rest of the Avengers followed the old sizing example.
I wouldn't be surprised if the height difference between Hulk and the rest of the Avengers is what prompted this *move to the proper 1/6th* that we are now seeing happen.