1/6 Hot Toys - MMS231 - Thor: The Dark World - Loki (Specs + Hi-Res Pictures)

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^^^^ Haha, they'd probably still do it for those who didn't get the Avengers Cap or Loki figures, LOL
I have the AV Loki, no need for this, if HT dosen't make it look like Tom Hiddleston. High expectations turned to dissapointment in a flash... :slap
I'm probably in the minority, based on the last page or so, but I really like what I see. I really wanted a casual Loki from Avengers, without the helmet hair and armor. The likeness isn't perfect, but i'd be happy with it. To me, it always seems like HT sculpts that are a little off in proto pics are usually homeruns, when released, and the ones that are nearly perfect, early on, seem to have something off about the final product.

Man of steel, jor el.both had amazing prototypes and both are on the list of hot toys best sculpts. This figure is terrible, and it is very sad. Even the hated André Garfield wasn't this bad.
Has the HS been tweaked yet? I'm desperately hoping they do so. But I'm doubting they will if they haven't already.
I remember it only took a matter of weeks for them to tweak the Tony sculpt.
Tony Stark and Iron Man takes priority over any and all other characters and licenses to HT. Even in a year with no Iron Man film out, we will see more Iron Man.
Tony Stark and Iron Man takes priority over any and all other characters and licenses to HT. Even in a year with no Iron Man film out, we will see more Iron Man.

I do love Iron Man, the films, the comics, everything. I get that HT is a business and the license is incredibly popular but they are so different now to what they were years ago. Yes, they still throw us a Terminator bone once a year, but Marvel and to a lesser extent, DC are their focus now. I'm looking forward to their Returns figure(s), as well as a Begins suit remake, the Grail of Arkham City, but now that Sideshow have that, it'll probably happen sooner.
Damn, I watched Dark World over the weekend again and I PO'd the new Loki figure...Loki is an ultimate bad guy, so I could use more than one in my collection....and will probably get him again when he shows up later in the movies again....Avengers 3 or Thor 3...etc...
They start out bad but seem to fix most of them before release...just look at Avengers Thor...night and day!
They did fix DX10 & Thor but the MK VII lost serious points from proto to production. Black Widow took a pretty good hit from proto to production IMO too.

Here's hoping that they can tweak this and Banner for the better :pray:
They did fix DX10 & Thor but the MK VII lost serious points from proto to production. Black Widow took a pretty good hit from proto to production IMO too.

Here's hoping that they can tweak this and Banner for the better :pray:
Same with DX04 and IM Mk 3 BD, went backwards from proto to production.

Get to tweakin' HT :lecture
Seriously :pray: :pray:

I want this version but I can't pull the trigger as it stands.

The fact that it comes with less than the original Loki for a $20 price hike is annoying but it's the likeness that's the real deal breaker.

The rate of inflation on some of these is starting to get under my skin however and is starting to become unjustifiable. You could throw the whole "the figures are higher quality now" theory out the door in a case like this where the next version goes up for PO only a year after the last... not to mention it's NOT better
Agreed, this figure in particular was a huge let down once it was revealed. If HT does fix this sculpt it will sell out very fast imo, no hanging around on stores shelves like some other figures **cough cough Cap & Spidey** :lol
They did fix DX10 & Thor but the MK VII lost serious points from proto to production. Black Widow took a pretty good hit from proto to production IMO too.

Here's hoping that they can tweak this and Banner for the better :pray:

Widow didn't look much like ScarJo at first, but the sculpt was certainly better. I think they tried to make it look more like her and that's where it took the hit.

Also, I think the reason for Rescue Cap not selling is
A) The outfit isn't really a Captain America outfit
B) The head sculpt looked kind weird, not to mention the brown hair.