1/6 Hot Toys - MMS231 - Thor: The Dark World - Loki (Specs + Hi-Res Pictures)

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I looked on Ebay just the other day and the Star Spangled Cap was selling routinely for well below retail. Clearly it's not a winner in the eyes of the fans. Maybe its the cheap outfit (albeit that's how it was in the movie, but it doesn't help the figure's popularity).
I looked on Ebay just the other day and the Star Spangled Cap was selling routinely for well below retail. Clearly it's not a winner in the eyes of the fans. Maybe its the cheap outfit (albeit that's how it was in the movie, but it doesn't help the figure's popularity).

Almost all of last summer's exclusives are the same. Colton, SSM, Evil Superman.
The only one that sold out everywhere was Midas. And even then, it was a summer exclusive everywhere but at SS. Where it was a november exclusive, lol.
Not gonna lie, I am just now seeing this film. And I am very disappointed that we have heard or seen nothing so far regarding an updated sculpt. Because were the likeness worthy, I more than ever would buy Loki #2.

Truth: I want a Frigga sculpt. [We ain't gonna get one, but just saying.] Frigga comported herself in a worthy fashion against no less than Malekith. I would buy her.

Malekith. A disappointment. Instead of the snarky badass featured in the comics, we get..... a Star Trek villain. Looked cool, totally one-dimensional, a wasted opportunity.

Please fix the Loki sculpt, HT. Please.
I don't have Thor or Loki and had thought to rectify that with the Thor 2 figures. Unfortunately I find both figures to be very lacking. I especially don't like the headsculpts on either.
I like the new Thor sculpt, and was tempted. But the Loki so far will put me off buying both, and just wait for Avengers 2 I guess.

As for HT Exclusives not selling out - they never really do sell out quickly unless it is Iron Man or Batman. Otherwise, no one really cares. I am actually surprised that the sleeveless Thor is out actually. Well, I did order one, and I will wait to see if there is going to be a revised, better Loki before I keep or cancel (no NRD is good on that one!)
I don't have Thor or Loki and had thought to rectify that with the Thor 2 figures. Unfortunately I find both figures to be very lacking. I especially don't like the headsculpts on either.

Out of interest, what don't you like about the Thor figures? The Loki sculpt being so off was a real bummer to me, but if I didn't have a Thor already, I'd be pretty happy with either of the two Dark World Thor figures.
I really don't see what's so bad about this Loki to be honest. There's room for improvement but the way some people in here act it's as though it looks nothing like Hiddleston which just isn't true. I probably wouldn't pick up the figure but that's just because I'm not a big enough Loki fan.
Not only does it not look like Tom Hiddleston, it's more expensive and has less stuff in it than the previous version which did look like him.
I really don't see what's so bad about this Loki to be honest. There's room for improvement but the way some people in here act it's as though it looks nothing like Hiddleston which just isn't true. I probably wouldn't pick up the figure but that's just because I'm not a big enough Loki fan.

You are one of about three people on the entire Internet who thinks this figure bears even a passing resemblance to Hiddleston. I sure don't.

Both the Thor figures looked pretty good to me, but this Loki figure is just bad. Its like we got homemade red velvet cake with the Avengers Loki figure, and now we are being asked to accept a Hostess Fruit Pie in place of the homemade red velvet. We don't want junk food, we want artisanal deliciousness with our Loki figures! [Do they even make Hostess Fruit Pies anymore, I don't even know.]

All I know is that for me, this Loki is a NO.
You are one of about three people on the entire Internet who thinks this figure bears even a passing resemblance to Hiddleston. I sure don't.

Both the Thor figures looked pretty good to me, but this Loki figure is just bad. Its like we got homemade red velvet cake with the Avengers Loki figure, and now we are being asked to accept a Hostess Fruit Pie in place of the homemade red velvet. We don't want junk food, we want artisanal deliciousness with our Loki figures! [Do they even make Hostess Fruit Pies anymore, I don't even know.]

All I know is that for me, this Loki is a NO.
Meh like I said I don't think it's perfect and I do think it could be improved but I don't think it's all that bad. I think people are over-exaggerating not being able to see Hiddleston there personally. I think a lot of it is just the expression he has throws it off a bit but I can tell who it's supposed to be. Doesn't really matter to me much as I don't have much interest in buying it anyways.
Lol. So you're just here to troll?
How is it being a troll if I'm saying I think the figure looks decent? Just because I'm going against the popular opinion and stating I don't mind the way it looks? I was reading the thread and felt like commenting on the figure. Just because I don't want to buy it doesn't make me a troll.
I'm also disappointed in the new Loki. I'm still hoping it gets improved before release.

As for Thor.... VERY NICE! I hope nothing changes on that one! :rock
Meh like I said I don't think it's perfect and I do think it could be improved but I don't think it's all that bad. I think people are over-exaggerating not being able to see Hiddleston there personally. I think a lot of it is just the expression he has throws it off a bit but I can tell who it's supposed to be. Doesn't really matter to me much as I don't have much interest in buying it anyways.

Its not even splitting hairs on tiny details, its the shape of the face that isn't even close. Nothing else will work if the profile isn't even correct

You are one of about three people on the entire Internet who thinks this figure bears even a passing resemblance to Hiddleston. I sure don't.

Both the Thor figures looked pretty good to me, but this Loki figure is just bad. Its like we got homemade red velvet cake with the Avengers Loki figure, and now we are being asked to accept a Hostess Fruit Pie in place of the homemade red velvet. We don't want junk food, we want artisanal deliciousness with our Loki figures! [Do they even make Hostess Fruit Pies anymore, I don't even know.]

All I know is that for me, this Loki is a NO.
Its not even splitting hairs on tiny details, its the shape of the face that isn't even close. Nothing else will work if the profile isn't even correct
Meh like I said there's room for improvement but I honestly don't think it's that bad. I can definitely tell who it's supposed to be still, granted yes the tweaked picture that you posted looks a bit better but as is I don't think it's entirely off putting. Besides it looks like something that could be fairly easy to fix.
Widow didn't look much like ScarJo at first, but the sculpt was certainly better. I think they tried to make it look more like her and that's where it took the hit.

Also, I think the reason for Rescue Cap not selling is
A) The outfit isn't really a Captain America outfit
B) The head sculpt looked kind weird, not to mention the brown hair.

IDK, to me it's a solid figure. I didn't go for it myself but I could see the appeal because it's a nod to his comic version WWII outfit and had a fair amount of screen-time.

Like Y4NK33 & COF said, the SSM is a dud. I'd say that figure's sales definitely suffered because of the version. Not that it's a bad quality fig because it's definitely all you'd expect from HT; and not that it didn't have screen-time or appear in significant scenes. I just think that Cap didn't hit Stark level. People need 20 Stark/Iron Man armors and only 2-3 Caps :lol. So for the non-completest I guess most itch their Cap scratch with the TFA & Avenger figs.

I'm a big Cap fan (2nd fave Avenger) and I passed on Rescue & SSM. I can see myself interested in both the WS uniforms and maybe even a civi version though
On another note, the ups and downs with the proto to production swings are becoming a crap shoot. Some improve and some take a hit. Sometimes that hit is major (i.e. MK VII Stark) and has me worried about what we'll actually get in out Thor sets. That sculpt is great to me and I hope it arrives at least 90% as good as the one we're shown