Still no word on the mysterious mark 45 huh?
Haha. I like seeing your posts Brainiac. Yeah youre probably right. The 45 is the only reason why I didn't pull the trigger on 43. I'm eager to see how it looks. I just hope it's a normal sized suit (not like a hulkbuster or igor). Maybe the reveal will be something like the mark 6 in IM2. I liked how that suit was his "final battle" suit with cool new tech and abilities.
They're def keeping it under wraps- not even a hint of it in the trailers
you may regret that man...
the ONLY info is from Lego, who are notoriously unreliable. they, like many other companies get very early info from Marvel, and as the years go on lots of that info is changed or thrown out by the final film, for all we know there may not be a 45 at all. Hasbro recently leaked some product stuff and not a peep of it from them, so you may be missing out over some false info. just something to consider
Very true.....
I was just searching up the lego sets and you may be right. In the pictures with the "45", it looks very** similar to 43 albeit these lego sets aren't exactly super detailed
Guess time will tell. Fingers crossed though.
And I'm not too worried about missing the 43. If anything I think we'll see it instock for a while upon release, like the other diecasts. But who knows, maybe this one will sell out much differently....
Id think so, mk 42 was a not well liked design and from the worst MCU movie to date, so I hop the 43 is better received![]()
Id give that award to The Amazing Spiderman 2,made Ironman 3 look like The Godfather 2.
Who made the 2 Hulk movies then? Because both of those were pretty poor I thought, I'd certainly rate Iron Man 3 over those poor efforts & let's face it Marvel are in no hurry to try making another Hulk movie. lol
dont know about the ang lee one but Marvel did the Norton flick, and that was way better then IM3
also it was their first effort at movies (made at the same time IM1) so I cut em some slack.
If only they could/would make this flick.
dont know about the ang lee one but Marvel did the Norton flick, and that was way better then IM3
also it was their first effort at movies (made at the same time IM1) so I cut em some slack.
Yeah the first ang lee film was not marvel in house. The Incredible Hulk was a marvel movie. Though due to the contract needed to get Norton, he had more control then marvel has ever given. He had control over the screen play and personnel. It ended up a huge mess. But thankfully it was early so they learned quick, and they had iron man.
I like the Incredible Hulk as a MCU film. It is better than IM3 and Thor. I prefer Norton's take on Banner and the look of his Hulk to Ruffalo's. But to each his own. THat's the beauty of comics and these films, there is something for everyone.
I like the Incredible Hulk as a MCU film. It is better than IM3 and Thor. I prefer Norton's take on Banner and the look of his Hulk to Ruffalo's. But to each his own. THat's the beauty of comics and these films, there is something for everyone.