Your backpedal game is tuned Motu. It was TimothyR and myself you had a "convo" about this with. You were adamant that it was not more reflective than the rest of the gold on the suit, posted lots of bad photos to help prove your opinion, ignored our points and called us idiots, and then swore up and down that hot toys would produce it to match the 43.
This is why people have a hard time trusting you dude. You can't put forward your opinions as facts and expect people to be able to discern between the two. The 'ol boy who cried wolf thing.
I didn't put that forth as fact. In fact I am pretty up front that unless it comes directly from hot toys on official pressers EVERYTHING is rumor and opinion. I've said it over and over.
As for this discusion, the point of which was that the hulkbuster will not and should not look like the paint on the mk45....guess what, that's still the case. And that was the point I was arguing, so the whole cried wolf...not really gonna apply. It still doesn't look like the mk45.
Below is what I said that started that whole thing. And, it's still the case. I was just trying to point out that even though it's not the same as the 45, it's still more reflective them much of the figure. That doesn't negate my point, nor the fact that the faceplate is dull in some scenes and you can call my photo I posted "blurry crap" all you want.
I was trying to be nice and throw you a bone that it's more like you wanted it to be, without throwing in anything about my point or rehashing the argument or, frankly, being a **** like you just did. Making it personally. Just Becuase things turn out differently doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about or any of the other crap insinuated in your post. You find me one person who is a reporter, insider (ala Adam sheffter on ESPN or heroic Hollywood on the internet over films) or anything else that doesn't get things wrong, or have an opinion or guess about what's going on or coming up that is right every time. It doesn't happen. Yes, I get things incorrect. Shocker. That doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about or have a good base or information and contacts. And this discusion had nothing to do with any of that crap anyway. It was based on me looking at the film, the five other figures produced, the marketing, and everything else and coming to an opinion. How that equates, if I was right or wrong, to being able to relay information or explain how things are done I don't see.
Yeah, it's gold. I was just saying I wouldn't expect the hulk buster to have the same type of coloring. The mk45 was unique in color. The mk44 is the same tone as the 43. And you can look at the mk44 from other companies and see they pretty much agree.
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