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It wasn't speaking to fictional skills, but just the fact that I prefer to think of the HB armor as insanely massive. It was thrown in there as a neat little easter egg which was fun but I would have preferred "new armor prototype" or something to that effect. That would have been better in my opinion.

Well, I mean this movie did take place post AoU. Perhaps after he "Busted Hulk" the armor was dubbed "Hulkbuster".
Thought it was silly. Never called it that in AOU and transporting it, even in pieces, on that cargo plane seemed odd.

I really liked the nod -- I thought it was great that they finally mentioned it by name. How would you suggest they transport it I wonder? Tony just straps it on and goes trampling up state in it? :rotfl
I was happy when happy mention the hulkbuster in the new spider-man movie , first thing i thought when he mentioned it was how awesome it will look on my shelf at home

I liked seeing the 42 in the background as well, poor ol busted up thing

And before everyone goes "42 BLEW UP", yeah it did, but there were parts of it raining down everywhere, it wasn't vaporized



Tony easily could have gathered them up and reassembled into a not so functional keepsake
I want two. They'll be the Buster Brothers!
I mean... I'm not against having two lol I just don't have room for two. I kinda like that new mock up though. I'd love it in diecast though, for a mere $1,200.

I just don't wanna wait until 2025 for its release.
Could definitely see it being a real armor considering how it follows the more organic curves of the Mark 47 suit.

I'll deny it all I want, but I'd buy a Hulkbuster Mark II assuming it didn't look completely ridiculous.