Got mine yesterday.
Sculpt: It's like a lot of "off" HT sculpts. You immediately see it doesn't look like Hamill but after moving it to and fro in your hand you think you get a glimpse of the intended likeness and in a whiff it's gone. But I can' bring myself to hate it. If nothing else it's a well done life-like human portrait.
Outfit: It does the job. I don't hate the shirt as I was worried I would. I think after hearing negative comments about it I had an image in my head of how bad it was going to be and it didn't reach the benchmark. I think a better material could have been used but it's ok by me I guess, same goes for the pants. Sorry to beat a dead horse but it's known how I feel about the sculpted leg wraps. I think it's lazy and unwarranted for a company and product of this standard. Those will be replaced by me in the future. The boots are nicely sculpted and weathered. Initially I had misgivings about he poncho. I usually do not care for wired products, but in this case I don't mind. Although I am curious to see what this thing would look like de-wired. Maybe I'll pick an extra up if I can find it cheap. I dig the WWII German goggles, but I am on the verge of calling the floppy hat garbage. It's ill fitting and doesn't stay on his head very well, and by time you get it jammed on it may slide off for putting the goggles over them. And since the hat too small the brim is taught and doesn't resemble the floppy look it needs. The belt itself is nice, but again we have molded items where I think they could have done better. The Bespin Luke belt was awesome with no molded pouches. Anyway, the pouches
are nicely sculpted and painted at least.
Accessories: The training helmet, lightsaber hilt and droid caller all look great to me. The binoculars look a little cheap but I'm not sweating over it, I guess. The super long rifle
is cheap looking, no doubt there. The light up saber is very cool. This is the first light saber I've owned one and I really dig it. I doubt I will be using it a lot because of battery usage. I know HT batteries are cheap and I usually take them out, but are there other better quality batteries I could use to replace these?
I have the regular so I don't have the the stormtrooper belt.

If I must be honest, I was hanging out with Sam Adams the night I ordered and didn't notice that it wasn't the Exclusive. I don't think I want to send it back and jump on the waitlist and all that. I do wish I had that Stormie belt with hook though.
Issues: The regular hair piece didn't come with a magnet. [emoji38] And one of the pegs(?) on the detachable arm is broken off. I had this same problem with my BD Terminator( my fault that time), and like with Luke, the arm still attaches. I will be contacting Sideshow regardless.
Some pics.