1/6 Hot Toys - MMS297 - Star Wars: Episode IV - Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure

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I don't think it's ridiculous to see that HT sometimes hits it out of the park and other times falls short. Look at the Steve Rogers sculpt posted just above - it's on another level of realism and likeness compared to this Luke.

HT have been having a very inconsistent year, IMO - even when looking only at single lines. Their new Hawkeye, Black Widow and Vision are all weak. I'd go so far as to call all three head sculpts "terrible." Don't get me started on their new Keaton Bruce Wayne.
He looks really good... I think in some angles the sculpt looks a bit off, but in others it looks spot-on. So, most likely it's about as good as it is going to get for Luke. I do think the Sideshow X-Wing Luke sculpt has a slightly better likeness... but I think we all know what will look better in production.

My only serious nit is the fabric on the tunic, it just doesn't look or hang right... I really hope HT can find a better material before he goes into production. And I'm guessing he's not final due to the ESB lightsaber being in the shots.

That's mine :lol But, an early repaint for me... so while that does look better than the stock head there are some fantastic repaints of the sculpt that show how nice it really is. I think it's a great likeness of Luke, but a bit too determined to work well for the character. And of course it's a bit oversized and has zero skin texture.

I just looked at your auction. It's amazing that the recast of the Luke Stormie head seems to have more sculpt detail and texture than the original SSC farmboy head pictured above. I guess it was just a different era back then (though even Luke stormie is quite a few years ago now.)
I just looked at your auction. It's amazing that the recast of the Luke Stormie head seems to have more sculpt detail and texture than the original SSC farmboy head pictured above. I guess it was just a different era back then (though even Luke stormie is quite a few years ago now.)

Yeah, the Stormtrooper set was a really nice sculpt... just kind of a weird expression. Same with Han, it's a shame since the quality was good, but they both just looked odd :lol
There's still blonde in him, I can feel it! :panic:


puking team america.gif
I know what I'm doing with my Training Helmet and Remote! Popping it onto my SS Luke from back in the day! Problem solved!
My first impression - WOW!!! Head sculpt looks great (slightly off). I love in those pro to shots how they are able to capture his body language as well!! Great looking piece! Well done HT's!

HT SW will be a expensive license to follow so I have decided not to. My only scheduled purchase is Chewbacca.
That's the best Luke sculpt. Great, great looking Luke. ESB is sold this is bought.
Passing on this, keeping Besbin Luke, it's a totasl classic and historic figure as its the first ever HT SW fig and has PERS and amazing accessories. Will prolly pick up the light sabre though.

But great job, HT, looks terrific. Really curious to see what they do with Jedi Luke.
My first impression - WOW!!! Head sculpt looks great (slightly off). I love in those pro to shots how they are able to capture his body language as well!! Great looking piece! Well done HT's!

HT SW will be a expensive license to follow so I have decided not to. My only scheduled purchase is Chewbacca.

Just picking on you because you're the last one to say it. But what's slightly off with the sculpt? I think sometimes we forget these faces are an inch tall, and we complain when a likeness is "90%". And now we have this, which to me, looks as great as you could ever hope for, and people are still nit picking.

Sometimes this hobby is exhausting.
Looks great! Likeness is very good but I think the realism is creating illusion and making up for where it lacks. Overall awesome set though and great accessories. Not concerned with the hat but I'll get use out of everything else there
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode IV - Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure

Wow, for so many years there was nothing but garbage for a Tatooine Luke, now...


Neither of these looks like Hamill to me. I don't understand how HT Kenobi and Solo are being labelled as random guys while these are spot-on. Must be in the eye of the beholder...
This is what's missing from the HT sculpt. Even though the SSC version is also idealized, there's still leaps more likeness and a youthful appearance.

Super excited for this. Turned out as good or better than I had expected. The cheapskate in me wishes the grappling hook wasn't an exclusive so I could wait for a coupon, but Luke is the center of the whole HT ANH collection so there is no cheaping-out on this one. Can't preorder fast enough!