1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Yeah thats exactly my point. Their skin texture has just become better/more realistic on later releases i.e. PatBat, IT, or Gandalf.

Hmmmm…respectfully, I don’t agree.

The skin texture is par for course. The texturing is a case by case basis. You can’t apply the same technique used on Gandalf to Bruce Wayne.



The only thing that stands out between every IA release so far is the razor burn around Bruce’s chin area. Would I consider that an “improvement” from Joker, Pennywise and Gandalf?

…mmm, honestly, no. had razor burns been visible on Ledger’s face, I’m sure it would’ve been sculpted in.

EDIT- reminder. This is just MY opinion. Totally valid for anyone to think the texturing with every new release is an improvement.

I feel it’s the same across the board. Which is what makes InArt figures so amazing.

Well…except for rushed later batches and effed up looking hair. That’s another topic for another time.
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Yeah, I think people are expecting "skin texture" with skin features.

It's like older people have wrinkles and sun spots compared to young people with smoother skin.

That HT Joker paint app just looks ridiculous with all those "skin textures" and comes off more like he's 80.
Hmmmm…respectfully, I don’t agree.

The skin texture is par for course. The texturing is a case by case basis. You can’t apply the same technique used on Gandalf to Bruce
Fair enough. To clarify my point I’m specifically speaking to the resolution of the skin detail on the sculpts. It has become higher quality in releases than Joker to my eyes. But dont take that as me saying it’s not up to snuff. I would put it at the same level as the newest Holland Spidey. Not smooth faced like HT did poor Ep III Obi Wan.

Also, the technique bit is obvious. Bruce is not an incredibly old and wrinkly wizard lol
Sounds like 100% made up crap to me.
That’s exactly what a lot of ppl said when Aybaig told us many months in advance that HT was making BvS 2.0s and when to expect them to go up for order.
3-they need to secure more IPs to expand their portfolio beyond DC/WB
I’m down as long as the other IPs they get aren’t Disney/Marvel/Star Wars

Allow 1.0 owners a little more time to enjoy an already amazing figure, a figure they should be proud of, and focus on bringing that IA magic to other figures.
No! It’s time for you to feel the regret of your 1.0 purchase like the rest of us! :lol

No ones in a rush for ledger 2.0.
the dude your opinion GIF

And besides, those that just don’t like 1.0 joker, let the other releases be a buffer so by the time InArt sorts out all of their kinks and are a full fledged company, apply ALL of that into a 2.0. That’ll make the 1.0 haters happy.

I guess I’m in that camp :lol Though, I think a hater is more or less someone who formed a negative opinion but didn’t actually purchase the figure(s). I do believe there is some merit to the old “it looks better in hand” when it comes to certain figures.

That said, I know I’d always prefer an official release rather than going the custom route. But, I’d like to see companies get closer than what they currently have.

Then we have over texturing by way of paint:

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Still looks better than both InArt sculpts :nana:
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Next thing I’ll hear is InArt did the hair better.
You couldn’t possibly ask Hot Toys to put out better Heath Ledger hair than this yet it still gets **** on, why? This resembles thousand dollar custom work better than theirs did and it’s not even close.

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Because there are still issues regarding accuracy to the hairline and some people have issues with the paint. Don’t get why this is getting such an exception from you when there are smaller details that have been blasted to death. I get you plan to correct it, but that is still extra work that the layman won’t be doing. You’re an obsessive perfectionist when it comes to Ledger Joker(not an insult) so it makes sense you plan to change bits about the head. Those who won’t is where the disappointment becomes understandable.
Fair enough. To clarify my point I’m specifically speaking to the resolution of the skin detail on the sculpts. It has become higher quality in releases than Joker to my eyes. But dont take that as me saying it’s not up to snuff. I would put it at the same level as the newest Holland Spidey. Not smooth faced like HT did poor Ep III Obi Wan.

Also, the technique bit is obvious. Bruce is not an incredibly old and wrinkly wizard lol
Yeah so many Star Wars HT have garbage-tier paint, Qui-Gon, Leia, Lando, etc. It was so bad I stopped buying HT for like two years, and they haven't gotten much better, I was disappointed with Padme. IMO InArt has already surpassed HT in terms of skin paint, I guess except for people who prefer smooth and shiny faces lol. Their new Joker only looks more detailed due to the dotted pattern the machines printed on the face.
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Nick just come out with it. What custom run of clothing did Inart purchase that prevented you from getting said run? Let all the anger out. We understand. Lol!
Right? It's like that dude has some personal vendetta against InArt. It's so obvious yet they chime on saying "I have no favorites.." Yada yada
This, to me, satisfied me for a mass produced/licensed Ledger Joker figure in 1/6. 🤷🏻‍♂️

And I thought I had crazy expectations and standards. But that’s why I enjoy the Freaks forums, y’all crazier than I am and I’m good with that. Certainly a lot better than on FB where turds are considered “masterpieces.”



How could you fault Hot Toys for that hair. Who knew they had it in them. That’s nearly custom level and this is a production copy, it destroyed their own prototype, now JND also destroying their own prototype. InArt is the only one that didn’t surpass it, sure the prototype sculpts looked pretty good but it’s never a good look to deliver less than promised. We’re not yet at 100% accuracy but we’re headed there, that’s for sure. By 2030 we’ll have it no doubt.

That’s exactly what a lot of ppl said when Aybaig told us many months in advance that HT was making BvS 2.0s and when to expect them to go up for order.

I’m down as long as the other IPs they get aren’t Disney/Marvel/Star Wars

No! It’s time for you to feel the regret of your 1.0 purchase like the rest of us! :lol

the dude your opinion GIF

I guess I’m in that camp :lol Though, I think a hater is more or less someone who formed a negative opinion but didn’t actually purchase the figure(s). I do believe there is some merit to the old “it looks better in hand” when it comes to certain figures.

That said, I know I’d always prefer and official release than going the custom route, but I’d like to see companies get closer than what they currently have.

Still looks better than both InArt sculpts :nana:

Lol when I said hater, I’d forgotten the derogatory nature of it. Wasn’t meant to insult. What I SHOULD’VE have expressed was…’not satisfied with’ or ‘disappointed by-‘

And yes, agreed.

No Disney, no marvel.

Hearing that they secured the terminator license is very promising.

They may not have the sales numbers like the house of mouse…but good lord we need that variety.
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How could you fault Hot Toys for that hair. Who knew they had it in them. That’s nearly custom level and this is a production copy, it destroyed their own prototype, now JND also destroying their own prototype. InArt is the only one that didn’t surpass it, sure the prototype sculpts looked pretty good but it’s never a good look to deliver less than promised. We’re not yet at 100% accuracy but we’re headed there, that’s for sure. By 2030 we’ll have it no doubt.

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Nick, we’re literally going in circles and repeating ourselves again and again lol. ALL OF US ARE. It’s almost comedic at this point.

It’s fine for you to like HT’s effort.

I don’t see it the way you do. I DO see some of it qualities, but I-Brooklynwolf-do NOT consider it substantially better than InArts. No need to repeat why.

Quite a few members here feel the same way. And you know what? Quite a few here feel the same way YOU do.

And that’s ok. Just let it be dude.

When someone comes in here praising the InArt version, don’t treat it like your own personal bat signal got lit up and you need to show us your brand of Justice 😅.

Once you receive your HT joker, I’m looking forward to the enhancements you said you were going to perform on it. And I’m sure it’ll look great.

Let’s all try and avoid sounding like a broken record of a song that keeps getting requested at the karaoke bar.
Fair enough. To clarify my point I’m specifically speaking to the resolution of the skin detail on the sculpts. It has become higher quality in releases than Joker to my eyes. But dont take that as me saying it’s not up to snuff. I would put it at the same level as the newest Holland Spidey. Not smooth faced like HT did poor Ep III Obi Wan.

Also, the technique bit is obvious. Bruce is not an incredibly old and wrinkly wizard lol

LOL well yeah Bruce and Gandalf are clearly different. What I was trying to convey is ledgers sculpt does have the definition like Bruce and Gandalf. But like Bruce’s razor burn, it can only be seen with extreme close ups.

But of course we can agree to disagree. It’s all good.😊

And don’t remind me of EP3 Obi…I think they’re gonna reuse that over DNR’d sculpt on an EP3 obi 2.0 😭😭😭😭

I can’t get over the hype this figure brought when they first released the prototype photos. I’ll legit keep this figure just for upping the game in 1/6 scale figures.

Same. IN MY OPINION (caps just in case someone thinks I’m speaking for everyone or stating fact 😅) I think this figure can stand the test of time. Some may disagree and some may scoff at the idea…it’s cool if anyone feels that way.
I can’t get over the hype this figure brought when they first released the prototype photos. I’ll legit keep this figure just for upping the game in 1/6 scale figures

To me when I see my figure all I think about is how good the promotional pics looked and how little I like it in person.

This looked insane, doesn't hold that feeling in person.
Same. IN MY OPINION (caps just in case someone thinks I’m speaking for everyone or stating fact 😅) I think this figure can stand the test of time. Some may disagree and some may scoff at the idea…it’s cool if anyone feels that way.
Me too! Especially with the licensed guns that were made in die-cast. That alone will make me want to keep this figure forever. I really hope InArt keep that up with future figures
Nick, we’re literally going in circles and repeating ourselves again and again lol. ALL OF US ARE. It’s almost comedic at this point.

It’s fine for you to like HT’s effort.

I don’t see it the way you do. I DO see some of it qualities, but I-Brooklynwolf-do NOT consider it substantially better than InArts. No need to repeat why.

Quite a few members here feel the same way. And you know what? Quite a few here feel the same way YOU do.

And that’s ok. Just let it be dude.

When someone comes in here praising the InArt version, don’t treat it like your own personal bat signal got lit up and you need to show us your brand of Justice 😅.

Once you receive your HT joker, I’m looking forward to the enhancements you said you were going to perform on it. And I’m sure it’ll look great.

Let’s all try and avoid sounding like a broken record of a song that keeps getting requested at the karaoke bar.
Well to be fair, what more can be said in this thread in it’s entirety? Other than comparing it to what comes after? This release has come and gone going on two years now. I swear it’s like some of the InArt train doesn’t want there to ever be a better Ledger, better Pattinson, better Phoenix.. News flash, figures get outdated..

Your wallet’s feelings have no say in the matter, just because you buy this release doesn’t mean you’ll have the best of the best for as long a term you deem fit, get real.

I don’t care who gives us the best Ledger ever, get it done, yesterday.
The only thing I dislike about the figure is the hair. But if I had the talents like Chopper, Gipetto, Agonistes, etc, to do a hair water treatment mod, I don’t think there’s anything egregiously off with it. Everything else is nice and with the right futzing and positioning of the eyes, it takes it to the next level.

To this day, it’s still the best 1/6 figure I’ve held in my hands from an overall craftsmanship (better than Gandalf since it’s more of a normal outfit in that dept., might be an unpopular opinion).


To me when I see my figure all I think about is how good the promotional pics looked and how little I like it in person.

This looked insane, doesn't hold that feeling in person.
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That’s fair enough, everyone Is entitled to their own opinion. The prototype photos did look phenomenal I must say. I remember pre ordering this figure just before moving out when I needed to save as much money as possible thinking I NEED THIS 😂.

Also on another note, me and you have had an argument before in a different thread over something childish and we never spoke or commented on anything of each other’s afterward which I think is pretty silly of us both. Glad you commented on my post here because honestly it’s better to just be friends with everyone in this forum as we all have similar tastes and likings in such a great hobby which I’m happy to share my opinions and listen to everyone else’s too. ✌🏽