1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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is there really anything else to talk about inart joker? everyone has it, now its time to improve the figure lol
It’s no use bro, we’ve been talking about improving this figure since August of last year and are ever only hit with flack from it. There’s less pages you can count on one hand of people here praising the new HT or JND.
Spinarts is coming out with a new 12” Batman and 12” Joker!!!


I’m going to send mine to an artist to get it repainted and the hair rooted. Best Ledger likeness yet!
I don't even know what actor is portraying Joker here.
I didn't want to say anything, and just kinda wanted to leave others to judge on their own.

I can certainly appreciate the craftsmanship that's gone into it and the novelty of owning such a piece.

Its definitely solid on a standard scale. But on a Ledger scale I've seen a lot better, and for a lot less.
It's not gonna sell at that price. I saw someone trying to sell their Yixie/Yuan Hit Me sculpt for $950, only to have it drop to $750 after a few weeks of not selling. This was after they paid $1250 for it. The vast majority of collectors don't care to spend that much on a single sculpt.
It's not gonna sell at that price. I saw someone trying to sell their Yixie/Yuan Hit Me sculpt for $950, only to have it drop to $750 after a few weeks of not selling. This was after they paid $1250 for it. The vast majority of collectors don't care to spend that much on a single sculpt.
To be honest the "Hit me" sculpts always miss, it's bad investment. And they have only one purpose which his doing the same pose from that exact scene. If you try to do another pose it feels off.
Love me an expressive headsculpt but that's not a good expression imo.
Wait... John Wu? I thought that smiling head was an xXx sculpt? Did he direct on that head too?

This is how us laymen get confused on which head is whose...
That's xXx's laughing head that John Wu painted for me.