1/6 Indy Customizations: Image Thread

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Yes, I've never been a fan of that sculpt, but, in those pics it worked. There are only a small handful of sculpts that have looked really nice, like Marf's version of the MJ and some that Jake has painted. However, it has been solely his paint and not the quality of the sculpt that has won through. Most of the digital ones have suffered when cast and Trev's and the current SSC are the only hand done ones that have been good, but only with decent paint or photography.

There has still yet to be an Indy that we can all get that is 100% straight off and I don't think we'll get there now so we have to make the best of what we get, which is what Ebeneezer managed to do in his pics of the SSC
Yeah, they all have pluses and minuses I guess. The MJ is a weird one - I've seen it look like Sean Penn, Steven Spielberg and then a dead-on HF. And even the Ingiou V1 which I really like looks like some square-jawed dude in a few pics. The paint is just so critical with the HF likeness.

As I've said before, for me the SSC TOD was the best value for money 1/6 Indy head I've ever seen - a quite nice sculpt, near-HT paint apps and can be bought parted out for around $40. You can't buy many custom Indy heads for double that amount - and that's unpainted. It really does looks pretty great on display. I really wish it was 10% larger (because it just doesn't really fit in a wider SSC Indy display due to the head-size discrepancies,) but it is what it is.
Personal thing i guess. SS sculpt is dead on HF as Indy, and paint is every bit as good as Hot Toys. The last few pic's i took are exactly as it looks in hand. Nothing to do with photography, but exactly as it looks. Can't see it being beaten any time soon on the mass produced front.

With the SS head people finally have an Indy that doesn't cost a great deal, and looks amazing.
Definitely the best mass-produced HF sculpt out there, without question, and definitely unlikely to be beaten anytime soon.

Having said that, personally I am still not a massive fan of it (although Ebeneezer's photos are the best I've seen it look so far) and I am very glad that we have the option of such fantastic custom sculpts these days. Can't wait for the V2 Inigou...
If I see an SSC TOD head parted out cheap enough I may give it a whirl. The size sounds like it might be in the ballpark for the HT hat I already have to fit.

We'll see....
If I see an SSC TOD head parted out cheap enough I may give it a whirl. The size sounds like it might be in the ballpark for the HT hat I already have to fit.

We'll see....

The SS TOD head is the same size as the DX05.

You can squeeze the HT fedora onto the SS but it doesn't sit perfectly - it's always going to sit a little higher on one side.

The SS TOD fedora on the DX05, however, looks bigger than it does on the TOD itself.
Is that without the hairpiece on it? The HT hat is a bit thin and couldn't be modded much on the inside. It fits Trev's old head quite well though.
Is that without the hairpiece on it? The HT hat is a bit thin and couldn't be modded much on the inside. It fits Trev's old head quite well though.

Yes, that's without the hair.

You can ram the hat down tight, but it will ride higher on one side. With the head turned a little it's not noticeable.
I can't decide what really looks better on him: the larger TOD or the smaller HT sitting at a very slight angle. I think the fedora he wore in TOD was larger than the one in ROTLA.


Either way, the SS TOD kicks a lot of those expensive custom sculpts into the long grass. I really want another one to replace the monstrosity that is the DX05.
This was it:

The Temple of Doom Fedora

With the incredible success of Raiders, the Indiana Jones fedora was burned into the public consciousness. However, as popular a symbol the Raiders fedora was to the character, the fedora for the sequel would end up looking very different in a variety of ways. The creators of the films obviously wanted to go back to Herbert Johnson to retain continuity for the sequel to Raiders but what ended up on screen diverged from its predecessor.

The Cury felt used to make the Raiders fedora was no longer being used. In its place was a thicker, Borsalino felt which reacted much differently than that of the Raiders fedora. For some unknown reason to this day, Herbert Johnson also ceased using the original block which resulted in a very different look all around. The Temple of Doom fedora they ended up with had a slightly lower crown. Where the Raiders fedora was made with a stove-pipe shaped crown, the Temple had a good amount of taper to it which is immediately noticeable. This fedora also omitted the high tight pinch and instead sported a high, almost un-bashed light pinch. The tack marks on the ribbon were now noticeable as well and since there was no 'turn' present on this fedora the bow sat back above the ear and the brim remained even and undistorted.

IndyGear.com: Fedora

The difference is reflected in the DX05 and SS TOD, and is why the TOD fedora doesn't seem so wide in hand; and why the DX05 doesn't look quite right with the TOD outfit.
I can't decide what really looks better on him: the larger TOD or the smaller HT sitting at a very slight angle. I think the fedora he wore in TOD was larger than the one in ROTLA.

Either way, the SS TOD kicks a lot of those expensive custom sculpts into the long grass. I really want another one to replace the monstrosity that is the DX05.

With you regarding the DX05, the hat was the only piece I ever wanted from that set.
Thanks. That's Kato's jacket. I'm using the other one for an older Indy if we ever get that Force Awakens Han.

Belt, holster, boots i'll eventually make my own. I had a play with the Raiders holster, pic's are just the mess around. Obviously stitching would be brown, and there's a couple things i didn't add to it yet. Getting the bung in the bottom with the drainage hole and stitching on both bung and holster wasn't fun. TOD holster will be much easier.



What raiders holster is that? Looks really nice!
What raiders holster is that? Looks really nice!

Thanks. Made it myself. Nothing final on that one. You can't see the bung in the bottom with the stitching and drainage hole either, but it is there. I experimented with some spare leather. Some stuff is still not there either, and the sam brown is simply a pin in that one.
Hmm, when you see it in that pic, anything good about it disappears, but, the hat does fit better than I thought it would so it has that in its favour I suppose. I modded my DX05 hat so it looks a little more like the Raiders hat.
Roger, what Indy sculpt do you have? I'm trying to get a reference point on what you think is a good HF sculpt, because it varies a lot person to person.

And the pic above is a somewhat distorted and washed out macro pic (my camera is about eight years old and has to be on ultra-wide angle to get focus in macro mode) - this one from Michael's review is better, and more represents the in-hand head:
