Got my Iggy today and I love 'im! The shoulders were stuck pretty well, but the figure was still cold from being on the UPS truck; once the figure warmed to room temperature, a little steady pressure got the shoulders moving. I love all the articulation on this thing, makes him way more dynamic than I would have imagined. I extended the legs, they weren't as wobbly as I anticipated, but I am still using the base to display him for now - he's way too delicate for shelf diving! I like the extra goodies, I got the ex. version and I think the vibro blade makes him a little more badass, even if it's not 100% screen accurate. The idea in developing this seems to be to realize the full capability of the character, rather than keeping it absolutely true to the static ESB appearance of this droid. He certainly does make an impressive and menacing looking bounty hunter. My biggest nit with the figure is the difficult the forearms have in holding a pose with the rifle. It's hard to get the forearms, which are light and have freely moving articulation, to really lift the weight of the gun into a pose where it looks like IG-88 is about to take aim. I satisfied myself with having Iggy sort of toting his gun. The pincer hands don't grip very well, so keeping them closed around the gun can be a trick as well. SSC came up with a neat, welcome trick to help keep the rifle in place by putting a peg on the butt of the rifle and a hole for the peg on the left forearm - that works pretty well at stabilizing the gun in IG-88's grip. I actually like the light-up base, even if Bespin theme doesn't make much sense for this guy. The base just looks cool. I like the magnets on the mines and the holster for the blaster/blade, they work well with the bandolier. Light-up head feature is great, really adds a lot to this figure! Like the rotating rings on the head. It's hard to imagine how this guy could have been done much better, so good job SS!!! I keep finding myself glancing at this guy across the room and smiling. Looking forward to Boba and then Bossk to go with this guy!