Glad I waited for OOM-9!
Glad I waited for OOM-9!
I hate to say it, the BD were cooler and more menacing in the Phantom Menace. Better than the baby talking ones in Episode III and the CW. Ugh.
Roger-Roger. Uh... you're welcome.
At first they annoyed me but now as movies continued and with the new CW series I really like the stupid things they say.
Haha oh god.. Why in the world would a battle droid be programed with snarky sarcasm, it's beyond ridiculous.
LOL I love that battle droids are stupid and say silly things. No different than C3PO blabbering on or R2 being stubburn.
Also love the pit droids in TPM that are stupid.
You know, the PT did many things wrong, but artistic design wasn't one of them.
You know, the PT did many things wrong, but artistic design wasn't one of them. Bring on the droids.
I could see getting a few more of these down the line if they start dropping in price on the secondary market. I have a feeling Sideshow will produce the hell out of these and eventually a lot of them will sell for below retail... at least that's the troop-builder in me's hope
Love this. These things are incredible engineering. Between this and IG, SSC is really excelling in this area.