12" Aragorn Image Thread

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just a couple more..adjusting the tunis inside to expose his neck and catch a glipmse of the evenstar..:lol



You're a pic snappin' genius ed! :lol

Those are the best out of the box aragorn pics/poses I've ever seen! :clap :aragorn
hey thanks, guys..not the best shots, i've seen much better toy pics than what i can do.. but i do try to make em look cool..=p...he still looks kinda goofy though..heehee

i use a canon powershot a95..its kinda outdated now compared to its current siblings in the market nowadays..focus speed is quite slow and hard to achieve under dim lighting (like the 3 shots above, which was taken at night..had to hold an extra lamp light..:lol ..)the thing that helped me the most is a tripod..trust me its really useful..especially since my cam don have this image stabilizer thingy so common in compact cam nowadays to offset handshake..=p
here's one more of an earlier pic..using harsher ligthing..just for fun..:lol

great pics there Ed, really good quality (although they do make the clothing etc look darker than it actually is) but I suppose that helps make it look less 'toy' like anyway. good pics though!

Mine is virtually done and back together now.... the outfit has been painted, recoloured, sandpapered, cut with blades and scissors... all kinds (god that makes it sound worse than I've done.... that makes it sound like there'll just be a pile of stitching left :rotfl )

anyway... I just need to do a little stitching on the inside tunic thingy to finish, then put it back together, oh... maybe weather the items to match.. if they need it

anyway... soon my friends, soooooooon (It's taking ages 'cause I'm only doing this inbetween trying to get some decent casts of other things made.... and i'm pulling my hair out, lol. but while I have to wait for things to set.... i grab my Aragorn) :D
thanks, hunky..:lol ..ya the ligthing used in some of my pics are flourescent lights..maybe thats why its kinda harsh and contrasting, gidin the pics that hard look:rotfl ..i guess on my side the only way to offset the goofy looks was to use heavy shadows here and there w/o phsically altering him in anyway..heehee..didn't realise the clothing's turn out this dark..my bad..:rotfl..i gothim placed next to my comp under this kinda ligthing also so its pretty cool to look at him every now and then and not worry abt the 'huh??' expression..

whoa, sounds like u put in a whole lot of work on this guy, dude..always love to see customs and i sure am looking forward to seeing an aragorn that kinda 'lives' up to expectations and sitting among all the other cool customs we've seen so far..i'm with ya till u unveil him!!u're almost there!!:D
ok it's done (pics tomorrow if I get the chance... busy day)

there's still things I'd like to change about it.... but y'know, I could do that forever. I figured I'd actually get some enjoyment from having it on display for a while first. Seeing as I paid for it and all. :rotfl

anyway... I'll try and take some pics tomorrow, even if just one or two (don't expect too much, it's just some tinkering .... I realise high expectations can make final reveals seem a bit anti climactic, lol) i probably should have just left this post until tomorrow when i took a photo of it, lol
ok ok, lol

right here we go... unfortunately I'm pressed for time so I can't do much of a write up yet. As usual the photos dont represent what I see in person on my display shelf, but I didnt use proper lights or a tripod... but you get the idea of it anyway :)

the quick description of what I did is.......

repainted the face (obviously)
sanded the jacket to remove the sheen
painted the jacket with a wash of 'mud' coloured liquid.. just to remove the sheen further
used scalpels/scissors/screwdrivers/drill bits and anything else i could lay my hands on to make the bottom hems of the jacket/sleeves/inner tunic more worn.... more like the prototype we saw
painted the jacket with splashes of mud etc.... dry brushing... flicking... fingers... anything was used
painted the inner tunic with a mixture of black and dark brown, to make it much darker and closer to what we saw on screen
mudded up the boots
painted the inner shirt with a wash of black to make it darker, and look more worn, and sewed the collar together (temporarily with black cotton, to be replaced) to give it the accurate 'buttoned up' look
sewed down one of the collars of the tunic to give it a folded over look
painted the string ties of the tunic with craft glue and hung weights off them to make them 'hang down' like the real string... mine were all over the place and didnt look scale accurate at all
painted the patch on his jacket sleeve black (almost) the light brown was not screen accurate
folded over the back of the tunic, to make it look better fitting at tthe front, and sewed it in place

...and probably other stuff that I can't remember right now... I'm typing as fast as I can here 'cause I have to run out in a sec, lol. Anyway.. if i remember anything, I'll be back at some point.... enjoy :)








wowwww....hunky, it looks realllllly good man..i like how u season the soctumes...especially the sleeves end..GREAT stuff here!!more moreeee!!!!!btw is yours the normal or exclusive version??if its the exclusive one can't wait to see u put the cloak on too, dude!!
Simply amazing! Now I don't want to take my Aragorn out of the box (He's waiting for Legolas) knowing he won't look anything like this amazing Aragorn. Great job and thanks for sharings pics.
carbo-fation said:
Man, that looks beautiful! Great work H.A!! Too bad you live in Europe, else I'd ship out mines to you in a heart-beat!

Now someone in the defense department is going to be watching you. :lol