12" Aragorn Image Thread

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Minor repaint of the lips
Pics taken under different lighting


Just picked him up from a fellow freak memeber, Thanks LOTRFan. I can't believe the detail in him, simply amazing.
Wow... Its weird seeing a non-Star Wars character against the blue screen... Is that an Anakin shirt I see Aragorn wearing? :lol It looks good. :duff
You made the shirt? Did you use a pattern? Please tell us how you did it.

I used to think the suggestions that Sideshow should employ you as a photographer were more than half-joking.

Sideshow should employ you.
Gruff Old Bear said:
You made the shirt? Did you use a pattern? Please tell us how you did it.

I used to think the suggestions that Sideshow should employ you as a photographer were more than half-joking.

Sideshow should employ you.

I second that, Gruff.... Dave's photos are always stunning.

Great work on the shirt, BTW... Please do share!!
lakeshouse said:
Did you do a paint job on the face? It looks pretty good.

Nope. I've never felt the need to repaint a SSC figure. I think most people in the forums see a bad photograph and then get worried. That starts the ball rollig on negative associations for the figure, and not unlike how a film critic can create a preconceived notion that will ultimately influence your opinion after you've seen the film forum negativity often influences collectors' opinions on paint jobs and such.

I look at all the custom paint jobs shown here, and with the exception of two, none have improved the figure. In fact, all but those two have imho ruined a great figure with a pretty darn good factory paint job. Certainly there are things that could be better (glossier eyes, grimier dirt on everything, and that little bald spot on the chin) but for a $65 figure, I have no complaints.
pixletwin said:
Wow... Its weird seeing a non-Star Wars character against the blue screen... Is that an Anakin shirt I see Aragorn wearing? :lol It looks good. :duff

I shot a bunch of SSC stuff in the OT SSC forum on RS...
Gruff Old Bear said:
You made the shirt? Did you use a pattern? Please tell us how you did it.

I made it from scratch. I learned how to sew in junior high (I noticed all th chicks took home ec and none of the guys did so that gave me something like 4 hours a week to flirt without competition :cool: ). At any rate, being a creatively minded fellow, I quickly learned the science of sewing. I seldom use patterns when sewing 1/6 scale costumes.

Gruff Old Bear said:
I used to think the suggestions that Sideshow should employ you as a photographer were more than half-joking.

Sideshow should employ you.

Uh, thanks :) Tell them that!:D
I look at all the custom paint jobs shown here, and with the exception of two, none have improved the figure. In fact, all but those two have imho ruined a great figure with a pretty darn good factory paint job. Certainly there are things that could be better (glossier eyes, grimier dirt on everything, and that little bald spot on the chin) but for a $65 figure, I have no complaints.

They make for an interesting look at for what people can do but for the most part only a few have really made me go damn. As you said as with anything in life a few things could be improved but for the money I don't stress for what we're getting. Also like you said I try not to think about the negative things when dealing with a figure. It tends to start that trek of negative thinking. During a basketball game I'm always on my girls to stay positive about things because if we fold mentally its over. Same with a figure.

I made it from scratch. I learned how to sew in junior high (I noticed all th chicks took home ec and none of the guys did so that gave me something like 4 hours a week to flirt without competition :cool: ). At any rate, being a creatively minded fellow, I quickly learned the science of sewing. I seldom use patterns when sewing 1/6 scale costumes.

Man, I should have taken home ex during high school. LOL
I paint my figures because I enjoy the challenge of getting the figure just a bit closer to way I would prefer it to look. I am a novice at painting, but I still have personal enjoyment with the creativity and learning involved. I think a lot of people might do it for similar reasons. I hardly see it as 'ruining' a figure.
Well Dave, seeing your shirt... soon as I have cash to burn I am getting an Aragorn and will look at getting a a few shirts made for him. That way I can have my red shirted Aragorn and when needed he can borrow Boromirs cloak.
xenoviper said:
Alright ... ive compiled a bunch of repaints in one JPG... enjoy :)
Sideshow prototype included...
Keep em coming guys :D

My fav of the bunch is the 2nd pic in the 2nd row....is it done by someone here or is it one of Sideshows prototype?
I am kinda partial to the third pic on the last row, they nailed it! :clap
