12" Aragorn Image Thread

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I have been inspired by everyone's pictures, and plan on taking on my first custom work on my Aragorn. I don't plan to paint the face much, but if I could alter the beard a little, I'd be happy, but I am more than eager to start weathering his outfit some. I just wanted to say thanks for all the cool pictures and inspiration!
all of the customisers on this board are always happy when someone new takes their first stab and altering their own figures somehow. Especially so if it's been us that inspired you.

You'll have to let us know how it goes... and good luck!! If i had to offer one tip, it's collect reference pics, lots of them. Google image search Aragorn, and collect a bunch of pics... and save the useful ones to a folder. Then you can go through them to check on the part you're altering, whether it be face, coat, tunic, boots... whatever :)

as well as google images, here's a couple of websites I found that were useful



Thanks for the generous advice and support. I am really excited about working on this project.
I sanded Aragorn's beard last night, to remove the thickness of the brown paint. I tried to work carefully to remove the brown, but not disturb too much of the flesh tone, as I can't imagine what a nightmare that might be to match. Just thinning out the beard some, and the toy looks so much more like Viggo. It'll be a few days before I can get some supplies like brushes and paint, but I'll try and wrestle the digital camera away from the fiance long enough to take pictures. She is shopping for wedding dresses, so the camera has been off limits to me!
Here's how mine turned out with just a little sanding on the chin when I first got him. Doesn't compare to those full repaints but it works okay...


Thanks WG! Mine was in a similar state after the sanding, and it is a vast improvement. I ordered two Aragorns though, one exclusive, one regular, so I am just going to go nuts trying to modify the regular and see how it turns out. If I totally botch it, then I can at least sand the beard on the exclusive and be happy. I have always been tempted to customize, as I liked to make vinyl kits in my younger days, but it has been so long since I've afforded myself the time to do stuff like this
Seaward said:
Thanks WG! Mine was in a similar state after the sanding, and it is a vast improvement. I ordered two Aragorns though, one exclusive, one regular, so I am just going to go nuts trying to modify the regular and see how it turns out. If I totally botch it, then I can at least sand the beard on the exclusive and be happy. I have always been tempted to customize, as I liked to make vinyl kits in my younger days, but it has been so long since I've afforded myself the time to do stuff like this

Definitely customize. Its a lot of fun. Frustrating at times, but it usually works out if you keep at it and don't get scared off.

One thought for you: since you have 2 Aragorns, you might want to keep one pristine in its original form. Just a thought. It might be nice to compare your work on one with the original SS version one day.
Great job, Wor-Gar. Just that little detail makes a world of difference.

I also would like to recommend a thinning down of those bushy eyebrows. That also will be a huge improvement to getting it to look more like Viggo.

The sculpt is really accurate. It's the rather thick paint application that messes it up.
FlyAndFight said:
Great job, Wor-Gar. Just that little detail makes a world of difference.

I also would like to recommend a thinning down of those bushy eyebrows. That also will be a huge improvement to getting it to look more like Viggo.

Thanks! Compliments are always appreciated.

As to thinning the brows, I was going to try that on mine, but sanding would make the "hairs" bald while leaving paint inside the grooves -- and it really should be the other way around. I suppose I could take a needle and "pick" or scratch the paint out from the recessed areas. That might work.
I used a little bit of nail polish remover on his eyebrows and beard. It left the paint in the crevices and looks a lot better now.
Wor-Gar, could you possible pinpoint exactly where you sanded? I want to do the exact same thing you did but want to be right on the mark. Could you possible point out just where you sanded?
Captain Aldeggon said:
Wor-Gar, could you possible pinpoint exactly where you sanded? I want to do the exact same thing you did but want to be right on the mark. Could you possible point out just where you sanded?

Sure. I took a very light grade sandpaper and just sanded gently in the "V" shape you see in the picture:


Basically, a light rub on the chin (not too hard, so you leave the bit in his cleft) and then up a bit on the sides to shape the "V", leaving a little paint ("hair") right under his chin.

Just go slow so you can see how its progressing, and stop when he looks right. Its pretty simple.
I'll try and post pictures tonight, but I repainted a little of the beard and weathered the brown cloak a little more. I think it is a vast improvement, and I have two Aragorn's, so you can all compare.


I sanded down his beard around the side of his face, and in the areas Wor-Gar indicated in his post. I went a little heavier though, so I had to repaint some of the beard back in. I layered some different shades of brown in the areas that WG pointed out, but I also included some gray in the area just below his lip and on the tip of his chin on either side of the cleft. In a lot of pictures it looked gray, but I think it might have just been shorter beard growth catching the light funny in screen captures of Aragorn, the same happens to me with stubble (except where I actually have gray beard growing in:monkey2 ) Otherwise, I left the face alone.

For weathering, I have used the costume section of the extended fellowship DVD for inspiration, but the leather on the brown cloak just soaks up paint, so it is hard to make it look like caked on dirt. I am going to need a really dry brush to help on this part.
I sanded down the moustache as well, not so much because of the thickness of paint, but my Aragorn had a little slop around that area, so I did it to shape the beard a little. Another trick I did, after the paint dried on his face for the beard, I took an X-acto knife and made tiny scores, so it would break up the surface a little, and maybe look a little more like hair instead of paint globs. I am pretty pleased with my first stab at some customization, so I'll post a picture tonight.
Aaargh, I got a couple nice, non-blurry pics of the face, but my HP isn't registering the SD card, so I need to find the USB cable...nertz
customizerwannabe said:
Yes. Hence the "before" and "after" labels.:rolleyes: :D

The eyes are very striking! I've noted that about your previous work as well! It works very well on figure like Vlad and The Phantom, but you might want to pull back a bit on Strider here. And maybe it's the lighting, but the hair seems a bit to light. What are you using for reference?

Can't wait to see the whole thing put together! I'm always amazed how paintwork really comes to life when you have it in context with the rest of the figure.