12" Aragorn Image Thread

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Shai Hulud said:
My fav of the bunch is the 2nd pic in the 2nd row....is it done by someone here or is it one of Sideshows prototype?

It is done by OSW member "Skwerl"
LOTRFan said:
I am kinda partial to the third pic on the last row, they nailed it! :clap


I don't know... the 4th on the last row looks a lot better.
Shai Hulud said:
My fav of the bunch is the 2nd pic in the 2nd row....is it done by someone here or is it one of Sideshows prototype?

Agreed. I think that's the closest to Viggo out of the bunch (other than the actual pictures of Viggo :p ). Very well done. :rock
Fritz said:
Agreed. I think that's the closest to Viggo out of the bunch (other than the actual pictures of Viggo :p ). Very well done. :rock

I also agre, the 2nd pic on the 2nd row is by far the best (besides the 3rd pick on the 3rd row :rotfl ) The eyebrows, the skin color and tone are perfect, and his beard is correct. Wish we could have had that one produced.



Well no pictures from me, yet. I finally got an Aragorn thanks to board member redstaR. I have to say that while I am not a fan of the paint job on the face, it is passable. Accessories are great, not fond of the plastic arrow holder, but any more leather would have been even more expensive. Now here is where I have two big issues and sadly it is with his outfit. The pants are all bunched up right above the boot and from what I remmeber reading the boots do not/cannot come off easily. Also the lack of a full shirt underneath.. I understand why they did it but that doesn't mean I have to agree with it. Overall I would say hes about a 3 star figure. Close, but not quite. I'll try to get some pictures over break, if not, possibly sometime around mid January.

One thing I want to ask though, Dave, what kind of fabric did you use for Aragorns shirt? I would love to get that in a grey for Fellowship and red for Two Towers.
I used the soft goods cloak from Toybiz's FOTR boxed set. The colour and texture seemed pretty close. I did notice someone else has since used their Anakin tunic, but that seems wrong.
some great photos here :)

I should get some pics of mine taken in the next day or two (once I'm done with anakin and obi) I've almost finished my Aragorn clothing, and am quite pleased with it, but mainly... i just can't wait to start playing with my toys again

umm.. i mean... posing my collectable figures :rotfl
looking forward to yours, hunky artist..:lol ..i got a whole buch of shots taken..too bad i can only dump 10 pics at a time here..:rotfl ..here's more









i saturated the eye colors in the 2nd shot though..=)
hey thanks guys..here's some more..aragorn overdose yesterday mannn:lol









nash said:
hahahaaa! Daaaamn Ed you da man!:bow:bow:bow

Crazy awesome pics!

heehee..thanks again, guys!!here's some closeup comparison shots of him with and w/o the hair over the face..:lol ..he looks l=kinda goofy with the raised eyebrows so i tend to shoot him from 'above'..=p





