12" Aragorn Image Thread

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No reference really. Probably should. I've already started reworking the hair as it looks too light to me as well. Now that I'm looking I think I'll rework the stubble too. Oh well. Back to the drawing board!
I got mine last week - all I did was reduce/thin the beard using thinners and added age to the coat by drybrushing the workshops snake leather colour onto the hight points - subtle but works really well. :chew
just my .02...no repainting but i've been working on the coat...mainly just consists of rigorous play in the backyard lol...



I have decided to give Legolas' cloak to Aragorn. I think it looks rather nice on him.


here's my aragorn repaint...sorry for the bad shots, i'm trying to figure out my camera..macro mode doesnt do $h!t.. still so blur!
hope you guys like it =)
actually i wasnt planning to repaint anything, this was really an accident!
it started as a small pastel job to highlight the face...then my fingers got itchy and i decided..why not drybrush it. from drydrushing came this paintjob..it's really funny, i never used anything other than drybrushing,the i decided to repaint the eyes, to make him look off to the side, changed the colors, made the eyes a little smaller,pasteled on the eyebrows into the crevices so they don't look so solid, 'dyed' his hair black and there ya go!
anf i was quite surprised, i started on him on the 23rd of december, he was done by christmas eve!haha!
lemme know what you guys think and what improvements can be made..i'm now in the process of weathering the outfit.seeing some of the other custom's here inspires me :lol
dude that looks pretty damn good. Everything is subtle and natural looking. great job!
nash said:
dude that looks pretty damn good. Everything is subtle and natural looking. great job!

thanks bro!
i'll try to get more shots when daybreak comes,so its not so bright!haha
well I'd say that was pretty damn good :) I'll see if I can give any suggestions after seeing some brighter pics.... but really, that looks good!
hunky_artist said:
well I'd say that was pretty damn good :) I'll see if I can give any suggestions after seeing some brighter pics.... but really, that looks good!

what can i say, man? seeing your other works of art inspired me! :lol
i'll grab more pics soon...one of the biggest problems i can never seem to overcome is rough paintjobs!the skin texture on my works can never be smooth!
Thankyou.....Thankyouverymuch *curls lips
Thanks alot guys, your comments mean alot to me. :eek:

here's some more shots...i dont have a filehosting thingy like fileshack so i really apologise for the small pics
these pics are actually a lil orangey cos of the lighting..can someone please teach me how to photograph properly?i'm using a coolpix 5400, its kinda old, lacks an image stabiliser, and the pics tend to blur out even when i'm using the mini tripod.
Thans! It's a labour of love to say the least. You'll be seeing a lot more Photo Archive entries in the coming weeks. I've been shooting it full time since July so there's still a lot of stuff to post :)
That's why you're the coolest Dave. Your work has always impressed me, and that site proves to me that you're one of the best photographers around. It's a fantastic new site. Thanks for making it!
Well...I'm really late for this party (and I would've been alot later if it were'nt for a lovely lady by the handle of Cirielle over at Rebelscum...thank you m'lady, thank you!)....but Aragon has arrived in the great Northeast...

Now I've read over quite alot of the comments here in this thread and seen the great photos everyone has posted of him here (Edwint & Dave@Rebelscum ...your pics actually sold me on getting him) along with the impressive array of repaints and other work folks have posted...and I gotta say, for me this is another instance of once having the figure "in hand", opening him up, futzing (he took the top spot for time taken to futz from Han Solo...time well-spent, mind you!) and posing him for some shots....I'm blown away! I think he looks fantastic right out of the box!

Along with Legolas, this line is impressing me enough to hop on board...I've jumped on the waitlists for both Boromir & Faramir...


Consider me a part of this Sideshow Fellowship!
Anxiously awaiting the next announcement!
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Nice pix there Jedibear!

Browsing through this thread, I wanted to say that I'm really looking forward to Boromir and Faramir. I'm not really satisfied with Aragorn and Legolas. The proto's looked so much better than the final thing, and still do... I hope the sons of Denethor make up for that.
I'm not sure anymore which character I like to come next, but somehow I think it's going to be Gandalf the Grey. Even though Faramir was not a member of the Fellowship, I fear SSC wants to complete it asap, hence, Gandalf or an other member. Yes, I'm not really craving to complete the Fellowship. I want to see some LotR nasties, and some of the (so few) female characters first.
Welcome to the Fellowship Jedibear! I'm glad you're on board, because I LOVE your outdoor pics! I love my LOTR figures even more than my Star Wars figures, and we only have Strider and Legolas so far! I'm getting Boromir end of this week/beginning of next, so I'm way excited. I think the figures are great--I love this line!!!
those are great pics. i'm to anal to bring mine outside and take photos, i'm afraid i might dirty them.
jgatienza said:
those are great pics. i'm to anal to bring mine outside and take photos, i'm afraid i might dirty them.

why? they're supposed to be dirty... especially Strider. If i wasn't as good in my customising I'd have been outside rubbing mud on the fella lol