12" Aragorn Image Thread

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Yeah I have the exclusive ranger cloak and havent tried to wrap it round the body like he does in FotR. But I think you're right Cap, the fabric and weathering and wire in the hood would hinder the appearance if worn this way. Might give it a try sometime, but i like the way i have him posed on my shelf at the mo and its stayed that way pretty much since i got him! :D

I was thinking a completely separate accessory could've been made but i guess it wouldnt be too hard to make my own... just a length of dark fabric?

All you have to do is make it exactly like the exclusive, but with a very thin, loose-weave material and no wires. Make the stitching light so that it doesn't hold stiff, and then weather according to your tastes. To look like it does in the movie, it still has to be the same shape--cloak with hood. Though, to be accurate, don't make the hood long and pointy, but rather kind of square. Hope that helps. :cool:
I got my Aragorn today.

... Also, his legs were different lengths. There was a difference of a few millimeters between the left and right. I assume that this is because one of the legs isn't completely down inside the boot, but I wasn't able to get it to go any further down. If I bend his leg a bit, it's not a problem.

Beautiful pictures jcruise...

On the leg....are they both "in the socket" or is one possibly backwards or twisted? You don't have to completely undress the figure to check this...just drop the drawers and have a look. I've had a few instances on these figures where that was the case. It's the main reason (besides to adjust/straighten the outfits) that I remove the outfits and work/check the figure's joints and articulation. Sometimes they're just packed funny...
this is one of the best figures i own. i dont care what anybody says. i think he looks great. the only thing i dont like is the beard. but seeing him next to boromir, who has a thick sculpted beard, makes me think it isnt all that bad. i currently have him posed like the PF.
plus you're gonna want to go with the exclusives for boromir and legolas cuz those elvish cloaks are worth it. good luck to ya.

With Gandolf the Grey comming this year, having the elvish cloaks are really useless if you are going to pose them together as the Fellowship. I only wish I had the Ranger cloak with Strider.
With Gandolf the Grey comming this year, having the elvish cloaks are really useless if you are going to pose them together as the Fellowship. I only wish I had the Ranger cloak with Strider.

Really makes me wish Boromir came with both cloaks. Especially since the hobbits are.
Do it! Get them all now, while the line is still young and relatively small! If you wait to long, soon we'll have the hobbits and Gandalf too, and it'll build up--just look for deals early before the line really starts to become a collection and it's to expensive to acquire!

Of course, the pace is such that it won't be anything too challanging; for now at least.
Seeing all the great work done with Aragorn, I may have to pick this fella up. Just need to search out the Exclusive and sell a kidney.
I posted some earlier in progress shots of Ben's Aragorn in another thread. I forgot about this one. So, here are a few newer pics of Ben's custom Aragorn.





As you can see, Ben made a new undershirt for Aragorn so that he better resembles the ROTK version. He also added Boromir's vambraces. And where would the rising king of Gondor be without Anduril. Ben also made the scabbard for Anduril.:aragorn

He still needs to make the Leaf of Lorien broach. I'll try to take some pictures with out the duster and jerkin tomorrow.
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