12" Indy In Adventure Gear: Raiders Version Discussion Thread

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Sadly it seems that Indiana Jones Toys (especially) have never had the longevity of other franchised items. I think Hasbro will 'complete' its run of figures. But when it comes to Sideshow, I think the demand will 'drop off' fairly quickly. Its already started with the first Indy figure, I've read of lots of people cancelling pre-orders, Its just taking far too long to get them onto the shelves!!The Belloq won't be nearly as popular and that pattern may follow for the rest of the figures too. So some may not even see the light of day.
Personally, I think Belloq was a poor choice of second release. I'd have released the Temple/idol piece as a single piece by its self.
A better second choice may have been Jones Snr or Sallah, or Marion (a female figure every now and then always goes down well) I'll be gobsmacked if we ever see a short Round figure from any company, let alone Sideshow! (they don't have a body for staters!)
The Gentle Giant items will dry up soon. I don't ever think we'll see the much fabled 'Takara Indy'. Only medicom (even with their scale flaws and dubious sculpts) are showing any commitment to a long term project, and their latest Phoenix Indy, is just so much of an improvement it seems to bode well for the future.
Saying all of this though, I really hope I'm wrong.........
^They don't have the body for Short Round? What about the Hobbit body?

I know, that occured to me just after I posted, but I couldn't be bothered to edit. I suppose 4 feet 5 inches (scale wise) would work. I'd love a Short round Figure possibly more than any other anyone could produce, TOD is my favourite Indy Movie. I have thought of commisioning a head, but the outfit itself is really complicated to do accurately as a custom. I've seen some really 'awful' attempts using the Hasbro child anakin figure. And if I couldn't do it well, the I wouldn't even bother.
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Maybe they're holding off offering new figures until Indy is closer to being in-hand. To get people excited again and chatting about the eagerness for its arrival. Maybe that's the plan.

They must have at least 1-2 more figures in the pipeline. I can't imagine they just planned on Indy and Belloq 9 or more months ago and stopped to see how'd they sell.
Sideshow's releases are getting longer because the company is growing with more licenses and products than ever. They may need to (or are in the process already) of hiring some new staff to start meeting the demands of the consumers. They might also have to get some new factories on board as well. Sideshow has taken on A LOT of new licenses lately and even after a year or so of their announcement we are just hearing about the 1st products for them.

Sideshow also has their eggs in a lot of baskets with all the stuff they do (figures, statues, etc.) and that can cause production to crawl as well.

Sometimes I don't mind the wait cause it helps me save money, but it also becomes disappointing because you feel like they just keep putting it off over and over again and you lose your interest in that particular license.

Sideshow continually delaying their Indy figure to the point where most of us (even big INDY fans like me) are starting to become apathetic...

Takara's Indy figure looking more and more like it will never happen...

Medicom's Indy figures sucking ass...

... I think this is all a conspiracy to keep the value of the Toys McCoy Indy inflated.
Maybe they're holding off offering new figures until Indy is closer to being in-hand. To get people excited again and chatting about the eagerness for its arrival. Maybe that's the plan.

They must have at least 1-2 more figures in the pipeline. I can't imagine they just planned on Indy and Belloq 9 or more months ago and stopped to see how'd they sell.

I'm worried about them falling into that old maneuver where, say the Belloq isn't received well, so being a large company with no real fingers on the pulse of collectors they perceive it as the Indy line itself isn't being received well, and therefore they allow it to die.

For instance, the LotR figures sold well (to my knowledge) and now there's already talks of killing it after Gandalf. :monkey4
I think the lackluster Indy movie definitely contributed to the lack of attention on Indy now that the hype has died down. When my friends and such talk about the summer movies, Indy IV is not only neglected but it is NEVER mentioned. Sometimes I forget that it came out this year.

It's also tough to sell a franchise on basically ONE main identifiable character. Lets be serious here, most people don't care about Belloq...nor may they not even know who he is. People who are mildly interested in this line will probably get Indy and that's it.

It's kind of sad but the movie has certainly contributed to a quick boost and an even quicker trip down on the Indy-attention.

Let's not forget that both Iron Man and The Dark Knight also crushed it.
For instance, the LotR figures sold well (to my knowledge) and now there's already talks of killing it after Gandalf. :monkey4

Not sure how well LOTR was doing after nearly 3 years. I do know they continually dropped the edition size. Never a good sign. And I do know that Frodo and Sam are still available at 1,500 pieces only, and that's the exclusive version, not even the reg. I think the snail pace killed LOTR -- 2 figures a year -- that and distance from a relevant film release.

The Indy line is shaping up to be much like LOTR. 2 figures so far, year's closing fast. And we've known about 12" Indy for much longer. So the only real surprise this year was Belloq.

Perhaps a final figure annoucement for this year is planned to coincide with the DVD release.
Let's not forget that both Iron Man and The Dark Knight also crushed it.

:confused: How exactly did IRON MAN "crush" INDY IV? It's only made about $2-3 million more domestically (which is pretty much nothing when both have grossed $315+ mil), and INDY IV is way ahead of IRON MAN in overall worldwide gross (as in more than $200 million ahead).

The only movie that "crushed" INDY at the domestic box office was TDK, and that movie was a phenom that crushed everything.

Some of you guys and your revisionist expectations.

I also don't think the movie has anything at all to do with licensees like Sideshow dropping the ball. We'd be sitting on just 2 announced (and no released) figures now regardless of whether the fanboys cried "childhood rape!" or not.

And, remember, we don't all hate KOTCS anyway. :rolleyes:
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The only effect I see KOTCS having on merchandising is on items made directly from that movie. Whatever feelings folks have about that movie shouldn't change desire for quality products from Raiders, Temple or Ark.
The only effect I see KOTCS having on merchandising is on items made directly from that movie. Whatever feelings folks have about that movie shouldn't change desire for quality products from Raiders, Temple or Ark.


Besides, according to Hasbro their INDY stuff actually did pretty well and continues to sell okay.

As a franchise, INDY is fine. And the licensees who got their crap together and actually put out product this Summer did more than okay.

Next thing you know, people will be calling a movie that's made almost $800 million worldwide a "bomb". :duh

No. The blame for lack of high-end INDY product on the market lies with Sideshow, Gentle Giant, Takara, etc... not with Spielberg & Co.
Some blame for the feelings about the lines can be blamed on Hot Toys too. Hot Toys has done great by collectors delivering Iron Man and Dark Knight figures on the heels of the films as they've done, but at the same time, with other properties hot right now, it feels strange when those lines are behind as Indy seems to be right now. Indy line is moving slow from SSC without question, but I think the LOTR line troubles and current blockbuster releases from other companies is also making it looks worse than it is.
Well, I don't blame Hot Toys for that. I blame Lucasfilm for not granting them the license to produce INDY figures. They would have smoked everyone and none of us would be bemoaning this obvious and frustrating lack of good INDY 1:6 stuff 3+ months after the release of a new movie.
Well, I don't "blame" Hot Toys either, they played things brilliantly as you can see by the sales success of TDK and Iron Man and how much Indy stuff is getting considered passable to accommodate those licenses, but I still think they're being on the ball in that aspect adds to the overall look of the high end Indy liceneses.
Seriously, if any of us would have said that by September 2008 the best 1:6 INDY product released this year would be from Hasbro (the mailaway Ark) we would have been laughed off the boards. But, sadly, that's true. And I'm starting to doubt whether Sideshow's first Indy figure will even come out this year at all. Inexcusable. And it has nothing to do with the movie (which performed very well at the box office anyway despite what the haters want to think).
Well, for me, the hope is that the delay results in SSC's Indy being one of their best figures to date. My handling of delays is primarily based on quality of the end item, which sucks when you're uncertain. If we could all see exactly what the SSC Indy would be like when we own it right now, we'd probably all be fine waiting, if it came out well, but not knowing, and the fear of a Faramir incident after such a wait is a killer, especially when Medicom's figure sucks and Taks may never come to be, SSC Indy is our last and only hope for a nice, high end Indy figure.