Operation gun runner was started by the Bush presidency. It was started with the full cooperation of the Mexican government and the firearms were traced the whole time.
Fast and furious was started during this administration. Mexican President Calderon has been on the US government for the last couple of years for the amount of firearms confiscated during raids and such. An American border patrol agent was shot and killed with one of these firearms. it is now coming out that the department of justice was letting these firearms and in some cases telling dealers to allow straw purchases knowing they were going to the drug cartels.
This was all hush hush and was not told to anyone in the Mexican government. Many gun owners, including myself, believe that this was started so that this administration would have an excuse to do something about the 2nd Amendment. I think before it's all said and done this will be traced all the way to the top.
In other news, within the next week Obama is most likely going to sign a UN gun treaty which could be the beginning of the end for the 2nd Amendment. A treaty does not supersede the constitution, but does get their foot in the door. People can say conspiracy theory all they want but if you look at fast and furious and this shooting occurring right before the signing of this treaty, well it just doesn't smell right. If people think that this stuff is silly then I suggest they look at history for guidance.