2005 "I won..." Spooktacular Thread

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Asura said:
Dusty or Chris,

Will we be seeing any little goolies humping banners this spooktacular (heh) ? Leading to good prizes.

Any and all prizes will be awarded through the official trivia contests this year :duff
D'oh! Missed the banner for the Dracula 1/4 :banghead!!! Anyway we can get a banner for Napoleon 1/4?
Dusty, could you let me know how the contests correct answers are selected? Does someone read them or do you have a system that works out the correct answer from the wrong ones?

I'm a bit worried about adding too much to the answer box or using the wrong words, etc. If a computer is looking for an exact answer, then mine might be skipped even if they are correct.

e.g. For the Scareface answer I put 'M16 Grenade Launcher' and not 'M16 with an M203 grenade launcher'.

Would I have not been selected as a correct answer?


Psycho Cenobite :cool:
PsychoCenobite said:
Dusty, could you let me know how the contests correct answers are selected? Does someone read them or do you have a system that works out the correct answer from the wrong ones?

I'm a bit worried about adding too much to the answer box or using the wrong words, etc. If a computer is looking for an exact answer, then mine might be skipped even if they are correct.

e.g. For the Scareface answer I put 'M16 Grenade Launcher' and not 'M16 with an M203 grenade launcher'.

Would I have not been selected as a correct answer?


Psycho Cenobite :cool:

In most, there are 2 or 3 words/numbers that are looked for, for Scarface it was "M16, M203, grenade". For the Halloween one, it was "death, harvest" - ETC.

As long as you have the main words/numbers and they're spelled correctly, you should be fine!

dr2red - We choose winners when there's time, at least once per day (on Saturday and Sunday the winner's list will only be updated once per day, as no one is in the office on those days and it must be updated from home) - currently we're still working on making some updates to the site - winners will be chosen soon, don't worry :)
SideshowDusty said:
In most, there are 2 or 3 words/numbers that are looked for, for Scarface it was "M16, M203, grenade". For the Halloween one, it was "death, harvest" - ETC.

As long as you have the main words/numbers and they're spelled correctly, you should be fine!

Thanks for clearing that up! :banana

What about if you put a '.' or a ',' after a name? :google

e.g. death, harvest

Would 'death' be spotted even though it has a ',' after it?


Psyhco Cenobite :horror
SideshowDusty said:
In most, there are 2 or 3 words/numbers that are looked for, for Scarface it was "M16, M203, grenade". For the Halloween one, it was "death, harvest" - ETC.

So, what your saying is I've been trying to bribe a machine with nekkid pics of me so I would get chosen as the winner..... :banghead :banghead
praxitas said:
So, what your saying is I've been trying to bribe a machine with nekkid pics of me so I would get chosen as the winner..... :banghead :banghead
Prax maybe thats why you didnt win
SideshowDusty said:
In most, there are 2 or 3 words/numbers that are looked for, for Scarface it was "M16, M203, grenade". For the Halloween one, it was "death, harvest" - ETC.

As long as you have the main words/numbers and they're spelled correctly, you should be fine!

dr2red - We choose winners when there's time, at least once per day (on Saturday and Sunday the winner's list will only be updated once per day, as no one is in the office on those days and it must be updated from home) - currently we're still working on making some updates to the site - winners will be chosen soon, don't worry :)
Then that's why I didn't win on the Scarface question since I put down M16A1 which is the correct designation of that rifle, the M16 was discontinued in the middle of Vietnam because it was a piece of crap.
Also, thanks for asking the question Psycho Cenobite, I was wondering about that my self.
screamingmetal said:
Also, thanks for asking the question Psycho Cenobite, I was wondering about that my self.

No worries! :peace

I just thought I don't want to be putting the effort into finding the answers and getting them correct only to find that the computer selection... thingy, wouldn't recognise what I'd put in... even if it's correct.

I would have lost the Scarface one wrong but the Orange and Black one I got correct but just wasn't the final winner.

I now I know! :cool:

Psycho Cenobite :cool:
screamingmetal said:
Then that's why I didn't win on the Scarface question since I put down M16A1 which is the correct designation of that rifle, the M16 was discontinued in the middle of Vietnam because it was a piece of crap.
Also, thanks for asking the question Psycho Cenobite, I was wondering about that my self.

I think you are all still mis-understanding. Anything with M16 comes up when you put M16 as a search term (think about how Google works - and any database pretty much - even if you put M16389283 a search for 'M16' would still bring it up).

When it's searched, it's by tags - sorry those commas threw you off. So, "death" and "harvest" are separated by SPACES, not commas - it brings up ANY answer with death and harvest in it.

PLEASE keep in mind that you guys on the message board are not the only ones playing either! On each contest it brings up at least 100 or so people who have answered correctly (well, not quite as many on the Scarface since that was more detailed - maybe 25 people or so answered correctly on that one). Then the winners are chosen out of those 100 who answered correctly - so even if you got it right, you're still playing the odds :)

One last quick question! :D

So if I have a comma or a fullstop straight after a 'flagged' word, then it will still bring it up? Like Google?

Sorry, I'm thick! :sick :confused: :D

Thanks for answering my questiosn though! I totaly understand about there being many people entering... and I'm quite unlucky, so I don't expect to win even if I know the answer.

PC :horror
PsychoCenobite said:
One last quick question! :D

So if I have a comma or a fullstop straight after a 'flagged' word, then it will still bring it up? Like Google?

Sorry, I'm thick! :sick :confused: :D

Thanks for answering my questiosn though! I totaly understand about there being many people entering... and I'm quite unlucky, so I don't expect to win even if I know the answer.

PC :horror

Yes, you are correct. Even if you answered "death." it would bring it up. In fact, even if you answered "deathtoall" and "harvestthis,beeatch" it would still pull you as having answered correctly - at that point, it's manually checked and if the winner that was chosen DID answer "deathtoall" etc, we'd select a different winner :D LOL
PsychoCenobite said:
No worries! :peace

I just thought I don't want to be putting the effort into finding the answers and getting them correct only to find that the computer selection... thingy, wouldn't recognise what I'd put in... even if it's correct.

I would have lost the Scarface one wrong but the Orange and Black one I got correct but just wasn't the final winner.

I now I know! :cool:

Psycho Cenobite :cool:
LOL I did the opposite, I looked every were for the correct answer and found that Encarta said that Orange represents pumpkins and Black represents Darkness. F*%$ Encarta. :mad: