2005 "I won..." Spooktacular Thread

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oxbeard said:
Just tried again. Got the coupon to work on the Drake this time. :banana

Yeah I fixed it for ya. The problem is our store server is in England, so the day switches on "English" time. I'm going through and checking other coupons for the next 3 days to make sure that doesn't happen again! :doh

So, I must say that I'm impressed by the length of this thread - and still 3 more days to go!

Perhaps I shall chat again later tonight... we'll see how much wine I've had to drink by then :D Maybe I'll be in a good mood... ;)
Thanks Dusty!!!

Edit-- Looks like there is a new Scavenger hunt word out. Probably be a new clue up soon
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PM me with any questions or if you notice anything weird

anything weird around here?? Never! :anya2

I just noticed scavenger hunt clue number 12 on the sideshow main page....
is this one of those strange weird things? I looked for the clue but could not find it. Ahhhh...the torture of being a noob to all this..... :banana
Yeah I saw that one too. Its obvious what figure they mean, but the clue aint there! Also, why post clue 12 when the spookpage is only up to 9? Weird indeed
I just bought the Abe Sapien 12 in. and Kroenen 12 in. for $40.00 for both and you get a free mini Hand of Doom.Check it out. :eek:
coldheart said:
I just bought the Abe Sapien 12 in. and Kroenen 12 in. for $40.00 for both and you get a free mini Hand of Doom.Check it out. :eek:

That's definitely a great deal coldheart. I would have too if I didn't already have all 3

I did give in on the Nightmare Freddy coupon. Had been wanting this figure and $26 seemed like a good price.
Darth Rage said:
I won a Robert Englund as Freddy fig tonight in chat - kewl.


Figures :banghead
I hang around in there for 8 hrs on Thursday before they even consider giving anything good [and that other LOTR thing] and as soon as I leave last night....something decent. :banghead
Yeah,I never picked up these 2 Hellboy 12 inchers.I'm in the same boat as you Oxbeard,I already had the New Nighmare Freddy witch you got it for a good price....
Ironman1188 said:
Figures :banghead
I hang around in there for 8 hrs on Thursday before they even consider giving anything good [and that other LOTR thing] and as soon as I leave last night....something decent. :banghead
That sux.....
PsychoCenobite said:
How do the Chat Room give-aways work?

Do they just select a person at random and PM them?

Psycho Cenobite :horror

Usually some form of question. Sometimes they use the SS contest form to answer and sometimes it's the first to answer in chat.
All I want is a coupon or banner for the Ultimate Hellboy figure, preferably without having to buy a 1/4 PF piece. Pretty please SideShow? I dont mind if its an Abe Sapien/U-Hellboy or Kroenen/U-Hellboy deal... :peace
I know its not supposed to be only about the free stuff, but after hearing how great last years was, and venturing into the chat [I'm not a chat room person] and enduring it all day until it got to 40 people......I guess I'm just disappointed. I have been able to take advantage of a few simian oriented deals, but I think this is the straw breaking the camel's contest back. I know everyone doesn't win the lottery either, but its starting to seem I'd have better luck with that. :(
Don't mean to rant, guess the a.m. java hasn't kicked in yet.
PsychoCenobite said:
How do the Chat Room give-aways work?

Do they just select a person at random and PM them?

Psycho Cenobite :horror

They are done by questions apparently. The 2 I've been there for were a LOTR question and a "what kind of cake am I eating" question.