AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

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Re: The next AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

With or without High Hills? :lol


Shave that beard and now we r talkn!!!! :lol
Re: The next AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

Does the new pic with all the AH comiquettes, make it seem like Black Queen is kind of small compared to the others?
You have no depth perception do you??

Plus she's not exactly standing straight up.

I'm actually glad she's be bumped to Q3.
I think this statue is the best of the bunchIMHO...the dynamic, haughty pose, dark colours........It's so Baroque!!!...:rock
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I agree. Its the only Black Queen we'll need in this line :rock

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just... :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2 :lol

She needs to convert for me buddy, I got the PH Dio to convert just one more and I'll be satisfied with this years acquisitions.

..BQ and Galactus!...they're the only ones I want for this year and hopefully the Emma Frost PF!:rock
She needs to convert for me buddy, I got the PH Dio to convert just one more and I'll be satisfied with this years acquisitions.

I hope she does. I had to order mine through razor's edge. I didn't want even the remote possibility of missing out on her.