Spare me the graphics whore content. Overall gaming experience is a subjective measure. I'm not 12 y/o anymore so it takes more than flashy tech specs to impress me. I'll take fun gameplay over visual content everyday.
Spare me your 12 y/o attitude, because I thought we were having a rational conversation in here

Ideally, we don't have to choose one over the other.
It really depends on how developers choose to handle their content. There were a few articles today, which stated that studios like Ubisoft and Bethesda are planning to move away from the 60 fps "standard", and drop down to 30 fps, instead. I'm guessing that this is a move to cut development costs (rather than a decision that was dictated by the hardware limitations on the PS4 and X-Box One), because the current-gen consoles are more than capable of delivering great performance at higher frame-rates.
Of course, I guess PC gamers should have more leeway, as they can easily debug their games with Notepad scripts to access higher frame-rate settings.
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