Alien: Isolation

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Yeah, I'd like to think it's an entirely different creature all-together. And like you said, the Derelict spaceship in LV 426 was crashed thousands of years prior to the ship in Prometheus. Plus, the Derelict ship had Xeno eggs in stasis... so, with that said, there's no way that the Deacon could be the progenitor of the race when the Xenos came before it. It just wouldn't make sense...

I still think that the mural in the Engineer chamber was a Xenomorph. The Deacon seems like just a freak-of-nature accident that was caused by David.
I love it when something like this causes so much speculation. Like Mass Effect's "indoctrination theory". It's fun!
finally encountered the alien, she came out of a vent and walked by me. i assume this is the 1st scripted showing of her and the only way to F it up is to actually follow her. i hid in a locker like a little ***** of course! for probably way too long too..........
finally encountered the alien, she came out of a vent and walked by me. i assume this is the 1st scripted showing of her and the only way to F it up is to actually follow her. i hid in a locker like a little ***** of course! for probably way too long too..........

yeah thats scripted..... but from now on, its random, its quick and its out to get you!!! :lol Good Luck!
finally encountered the alien, she came out of a vent and walked by me. i assume this is the 1st scripted showing of her and the only way to F it up is to actually follow her. i hid in a locker like a little ***** of course! for probably way too long too..........

Wait till you hit the medical area that's where the fun begins.
Off-topic, in my line of work we take 911 calls from different cities, and today I had an unforgettable one. Sebastopol P.D.!
This is really awesome and I thought it'd be a boring puzzle game but I love this game. You don't have to run and gun for it to be a good game. This is honestly the best alien experience I had in a while.
she came out of a vent

Late game spoiler so be warned.

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Late game spoiler so be warned.

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That's what I mean, when I mentioned the pacing of the game gets messed up half way through.
oh I love that part.... just when you start to feel in control and a little safer.... its ripped from you and all of a sudden your hiding under a desk like a scared child again :lol

That's great and all, but the Working Joe section of the game took the breathe out of it for too long for me. The 2/5 to 3/5 of the game is sheer perfection.
I finished this this weekend and definitely my favorite game of 2014

I was underwhelmed by the ending though, which knocked it down a little bit for me only because it seems the least thought out part of the game
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Yeah the ending didn't sit well with me either.

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Exactly - it just seems like they did all the work on the game story and then at the end were like, lets wrap this up quickly eh

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Hopefully we a get a worthy sequel. And naturally, they should probably go the Aliens route and give us some Marines.

I would dare say down the line, give us a true sequel to Aliens.
It's a minor nitpick to be honest as well. It doesn't end badly and it's not like it ruined anything, just more of a 'wtf really?' type of thing

you know if a sequel is made it's with marines, although the cheap price of the game indicates maybe didn't sell as well as they hoped?

The only thing about going the marines route would be the game would no longer really be a stalk and stealth game, which is the biggest plus about Isolation
Really hard to say what they would do with a sequel. I love the stealth aspect... but I just wish we got a proper Marines game. I'll probably be happy with no matter what they choose.