I personally thought Alien 3 was worst than Alien 4. at least alien 4 had a real plot ( I know the plot sucked) and it actually had aliens.
The Alien in Alien 3 was kind of pathetic and the story was really long dull and boring.
Alien 3 for me is worst than any other alien movie made (Including AVP)
All things considering, ALIEN3 turned out great! It had everything going against it. This is why I believe an "ironed out" re-boot would do well.
ALIEN3 is what introduced the idea of aliens taking on host traits.
It also brought back the feeling of "no hope" against "the dragon".

To me, Alien RE had a dorky looking Newborn alien and the de-evolution of the Queen.
Bringing Ripley back was the biggest WT* moment to me.

Roaring meaty aliens, etc..... no thank you. That's not alien, that's a monster movie.

Which brings me to ALIENS Colonial Marines.