Great repainting work abake! Are you gonna stay with the factory heads for Apone and Hudson? I just couldn't bear leaving those on mine! I had to get custom heads that actually looked like the actors. I'm painting Les Walker's custom "Chronohead" for Hudson tonight. I'll take some pics of my group soon. I've been wanting to post them here for a while. I still gotta get a better jumpsuit for my custom Bishop from The Gameitoy brand GSG-9 jumpsuit is really close to looking like Bishop's to me. I'll order it from them soon. It looks like you used lots of natural light for your pictures. I hope to take some pictures of my marines outside and see how they look in the natural sunlight. Try getting some custom heads for your Hudson and Apone. That "Chronohead" from Les Walker is awesome! Looks like the calm Hudson before he starts freaking out. The "hero head" Apone I got from Lonnie Hale, on eBay under is user ID: tk570 is awesome too with him with his cigar in his mouth. I love it! Once again...great work! 
Oh yeah guys. I found this eBay auction for a painted Ripley head on eBay. Here's the link:
What do you think? Is it just me...or does that head look like the stand-up comedian, Paula Poudstone really ticked off? Looks more like her, than Sigourney Weaver to me! I'm content with my Hot Toys repainted Ripley head I have now.
Oh yeah guys. I found this eBay auction for a painted Ripley head on eBay. Here's the link:
What do you think? Is it just me...or does that head look like the stand-up comedian, Paula Poudstone really ticked off? Looks more like her, than Sigourney Weaver to me! I'm content with my Hot Toys repainted Ripley head I have now.
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