Super Freak
Windcharger looks great. Hopefully Xtransbots' products will have improved in quality by the time he's released. I've gotta re-enact this on my shelf:
never seen how wheel jack or wind charger died in the movie
Windcharger looks great. Hopefully Xtransbots' products will have improved in quality by the time he's released. I've gotta re-enact this on my shelf:
Your very welcome! After opening him it was flowing outta me!Thanks for the Ironhide review yo.
Thanks my dude! You know how we do it baby! This **** is a beast!You the best, Mike!!! Props... love both reviews, love the pops in the IronHide video. Keepin' it real!!! I'm back in, yo'.
I can appreciate that! I mean its only been a 32 year wait. Whats a littke longer! Lol!I refuse to watch any Ironhide reviews (not because I think they are bad, unless you are optibotimus, then they absolutely suck)
Wanna experience that without any spoilers.
Thanks bro! I'm not a diaclone collector. Just a G1 cartoon hound so no Red Sunsurge for me. I do want Windcharger but that Blue is throwing me off! What happened!?
I gotta check my email! Can't wait for him as well!
Don't know what happened with the color change. Very disappointing!That blue on Windcharger is very bright, way too bright for me. I prefer the grey of the proto. It's a pity that there looks to be a hinge where his Autobot logo should go too. Other than that it looks great but after the QC issues I had with Apollyon and Ollie I have zero trust in XTB and I'll wait for someone else to have a go.
That blue on Windcharger is very bright, way too bright for me. I prefer the grey of the proto. It's a pity that there looks to be a hinge where his Autobot logo should go too. Other than that it looks great but after the QC issues I had with Apollyon and Ollie I have zero trust in XTB and I'll wait for someone else to have a go.
Is 99.99 the standard price on toyworld devy, or is there a cheaper spot?
Just wondering guys, do we have a dedicated Beast Wars thread somewhere?
$99 each member. X6
Add shipping on each, say $10 (I'm being really generous)
And the inevitable add ons, that are always coming out to make it look "right"
Looking at $750 easily.
Just wondering guys, do we have a dedicated Beast Wars thread somewhere?
Looks thousands of times better than the stuff from the 90s. Definitely in for all the releases. I hope Dinobot is next.
Ive got the original version and the 10th anniversary which improved the paint job, gorilla, and robot heads. I was impressed by it. This will blow me away when it releases.
After this, I just want an MP Optimal Optimus and they can kill the Masterpiece line forever if they want
Not really. I still want a proper MP Megatron.
did some one say they were making ko of the masterpiece seeker jets on here some where.