Oh don't get all butt hurt fanboy-y on me. Read what I said.
I just think you're having a knee-jerk reaction to three episodes. And, sorry, but sexuality (and more specifically rather violent, terrible sexual situations) has been a part of AHS from the start. There was a rape in the first episode of the first season. Has there been "more" this season? Not sure. We're only three episodes in. Maybe it's more front loaded? I get where you're coming from but not sure it translates into being something for criticism, in my own estimation.
Now, the types of sexual content might be more distasteful to you than the other kinds. But at this early a stage it seems like a funny criticism to level, in my personal opinion.
Maybe I'm more open to it because the idea that this is "all there is" to the season so far is overblown and overdramatic I can't take it seriously, let alone agree with it.

There's plenty of other stuff brewing already.
Also, I find the notion that people MAYBE having sex (we don't know what happened to Queenie yet) with a Minotaur who is mostly a human and used to be human is talked about like it's beastiality kind of funny. LOL. For one thing, I enjoy that AHS is weird enough that we even have to have that conversation, but also I think it's a slightly odd stance. But that could be me. I hadn't really put much thought into which bits were man and how much of him had to be animal to make it beastiality!
I don't know, it just kind of cracks me up that after a couple seasons of nuttiness this is where people are drawing the line. I also think the idea that's there been no "horror" in this season odd to the extreme. I think there's been a good amount, but let's remember that horror can encompass a wide array of things. To me, the incest stuff was a type of psychological horror in the mix of the other creepy stuff. I think maybe they are just casting their nets a bit wider than what you're thinking? But again, it seems the show has always done that, so it just seems odd to me to find that surprising, too.