Nah, thats a brush off if ever I heard one.
It's Sideshow's standard response. I will write them about the forehead wrinkles and awkward pose over the weekend, and I will receive an identical reply next week.
Nah, thats a brush off if ever I heard one.
It's Sideshow's standard response. I will write them about the forehead wrinkles and awkward pose over the weekend, and I will receive an identical reply next week.
You also have to consider that once a piece reaches the preview/pre-order stage, it might be too late to make changes to the sculpt. Tweaking Buffy's hair is one thing, but making significant changes to the actual head sculpt is another matter. If they did that, it would not only delay the piece a good bit, but also add to the production budget. It just might not be financially feasible for them to change the sculpt, despite the complaints. It's not that they don't care, it's just business.
It's tragic that they don't have better quality control then.
My friend is a senior portrait sculptor sculptor for Madam Tussuad's in London, and so I know how they approach creating a likeness there. Great care is taken to at least try and get as much reference that they can get, and try and create the essence of their chosen subject.
Yes, they're not always successful, but they have far more hits then misses.
What I can't understand if when they saw the blocked out sculpt for this that they didn't pic up on it's faults like everyone else did. What is going on there?
Aww, Eli26 you're far too kind.
The only way they'd sit up and take notice if they got a ton of complaining emails or if everyone canceled, and that seems highly unlikely.
I wonder if they have those all premade up.. and say, okay we got a complainer on the design of the piece.. send out this premade email. hehe
Saves them a lot of work and time instead of writing a whole email from scratch for each individual person.
It wasn't premade because there was a typo that i corrected:
Thank you for your e-mail to our Customer Service Department. Your feedback
is important to us and we appreciate that you took the time to reach us.
We will pass your comments along to the production team. If by the time you
receive your product arrival e-mail sand find that the product has not been
improved you are certainly welcome to cancel the item!
Please let me know if I can assist you further!
Best regards,
Maybe we all should cancel our orders and wait to pre-order them again nearer the time? That should make a statement
Jason, I always thought you were a girl!![]()
It wasn't premade because there was a typo that i corrected: