Hi there!
Why the broad statement about the paint job? Does our Hercules or Arhian statue paint job look like plastic to you? Does our Ares, Conan, or any other of our new statues as a matter of fact look like plastic to you?? Which one?
This Tarzan image I just released is just a sneak of the statue, and we have not even taken proper studio photos of it yet. I showed it because many guys write me asking for update and sneaks all the time.
Behind each statue and each product you all see from any company in this forum, there is a team of people who work hard to create them. We work extensive hours to bring the best we can produce, always. Statements like yours, specially when they are inaccurate as this one, only offends the people behind those products, and do not contribute at all to make them better.
Whatever work you do for a living, I'm sure you can relate to that and appreciate a little bit of courtesy when someone criticizes what you do, correct?!