OK, just received Harley today. The good news is that her face looks excellent. I did not receive one with heavy black eye shadow. It is nice and grey in color. Very well done. However, the person who painted this got very careless/lazy around her @ss. There is a small grey brush stroke over the red portion of her pants and an even smaller stray brush stroke of red on the grey portion of her pants.

These stray brush strokes are very small but noticeable upon close inspection. The rest of her paint apps look good.
On to the sculpt itself. WOW! Very nice. I already knew Harley looked very hot based off the pics and videos I have seen. However, in hand, she looks PHENOMENAL! Jack Mathews really did a fantastic job on the sculpt. Harley came out very sexy indeed. A very big

to Jack for giving us a super sexy looking Harley to add to our collections.
Overall the paint issues are very minor and are an easy fix. The sculpt is exceptional and gives us one hot @ss looking Harley. I already have Arkham City Bats on PO and will be looking to score the AC Joker when he is released shortly. If Ivy, Catwoman, Deathstroke, and Two-Face turn out this good, I will certainly add them to the collection as well. They would be must haves for me. After that, I can take or leave any of the other characters. This is a great statue and was the perfect choice to launch this line.