Arnold Schwarzenegger Conan PF

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Actually he posted images in this thread... just a couple of pages back. One series is a comparison between his repaint and the original.

And I hope to add a poster behind him... the shelf was made by Coco, and he's looking for a hi-res image of the poster to put behind him :rock
yea i recognized coco the hot chick's work.........:lol........he's brilliant with displays.
i knew i saw this before but im going to look again. cant wait to see what the poster looks like with him..........:clap

edit: just looked at DA's again with the a difference. the originals hands were not too bad but the blood on the chest........yikes. still all in all a cool piece. i had considered this piece but not really a PF guy. i wanna pose my figs...........:)
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Yeah, I'm not really into PF's either... but the occasional piece catches my eye. He's actually taking Indy's place, so right now its just Conan and Darkness on display.

And I agree with you about the paint... Sideshow did a very good job overall, but really dropped the ball on some of the blood work and weathering.

What's awesome about Josh's repaint is the gore is very realistic and there's grime worked into the white sections of the body that help show off the definition and sculpting.

I wish I could weather the base a bit (add the people pea-green soup splatter) but to be screen accurate it would need to cover the entire base...and I don't think I want to do that much of an alteration.
Very, very late to the party... but today I received Josh's repainted and weathered Conan in the mail.

I saw this when I visited his home last fall and was blown away, so when he offered it up on eBay I had to have it. I really think this paint work and weathering were able to do the fantastic sculpt justice.

So stoked to have this in my collection :rock :rock :rock








Wow, I liked the piece in the first place....the one you just picked up is AMAZING bro.

Very nice, looks great!
Congrats, J. You have the ultimate Conan PF ............. everything about that piece rocks now. I didn't care for the size ....... it always looked on the short side. Still the likeness is fantastic!
Thanks Chigger :hi5:

And you're right about the size V, but with the base and full presentation the size doesn't bother me. But, I'm not generally a PF collector so he's not mixed in with other larger pieces.
i think a little bit of the pea soup wouldnt look around his feet as if he's leaving tracks down the steps or something. could be cool but either way that display rocks the casbah........:rock:rock
I think maybe a bit of pea soup the stairs... and maybe some blood spatter on the railing would be cool. I'll see if I ever get up the balls to give it a shot :lol

The NECA version had some of the soup... but I think as is the base is just too clean in comparison to the mayhem that was going down during the temple scene :lol
I think maybe a bit of pea soup the stairs... and maybe some blood spatter on the railing would be cool. I'll see if I ever get up the balls to give it a shot :lol

The NECA version had some of the soup... but I think as is the base is just too clean in comparison to the mayhem that was going down during the temple scene :lol

well you could always swap the sword out for a mop like he just cleaned the place up after all the gutting, decapitations & general mayhem...........:lol
"Conan, what is best in life?"

"To crush tough stains, to see spills driven before you and to hear the lamentation of inferior cleaners!"
"Conan, what is best in life?"

"To crush tough stains, to see spills driven before you and to hear the lamentation of inferior cleaners!"

:goodpost:...............only conan could turn house cleaning into such badassery.......:lol
Yep, its one of the PF shelves from Coco. I had the Indy PF on it for the last few months... but now its Conan's home.
I won't dare put that on my wall,house is old, no 2X4's behind the wall.:slap
Would love to have a few of those Coco shelves. Mine would probably be in constant rotation. :lol
That really is an amazing PF and Joshs paint takes it to the next level!

Kongrats J:rock :rock :rock

Completely agree... its a fantastic sculpt and composition, and Josh's paint really takes it up to 11 :rock


This as got to be the best custom paint job ive seen by far on this statue,awesomely done well done :hi5:

Thanks, I'm stoked to have it :hi5:
I think this was announced before... but in case it hasn't I think we can all assume that this is the one and only movie Conan we'll see from Sideshow.

From the Sideshow July 6th Q&A:
Q: As for the Conan line, what’s next? The Conan Premium Format is killer! What about a Valeria PF to go with him, or Thulsa Doom on his throne…possibly with an alternate snake’s head? That would = AWSOME!

A: For the moment, we’re looking to the Conan literature and artwork for inspiration. We may return to the films for additional Conan products a little further down the road.

Guess there's always hope HT will take on the 1/6 versions of Conan.