Article: Alien VS Predator Predator - Machiko Noguchi, She-Predator - Premium Format(TM) Figure

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I always believed that the netting was linked to the cloaking system and gave it a foundation to bend light around to make the predator invisible. This is only my personal view and I don't recall and reference material to support this ( with the exception of my own warped imagination ) :)

Well at least you admitted it :lol:lol:lol you are very close to the truth my Friend

Body Mesh / Padding

This is a basic 'wire' mesh, worn under a warrior's armour. Apart from providing electric-generated warmth, it is actually a component of the camoflauge device's citcuitry which allows cloaking of un-armoured body parts.

Although, as the mesh is seen being worn by most Predators even when cloaking isn't necessary, it seems they were designed as 'jumpsuits' meant for casual wear in their crafts - the closest they get to flight suits.

Active Camouflage

The Yautja camouflage is the ultimate in stealth technology. By bending light waves around the cloaked object, the device makes it practically invisible. The device is used to mask Predator ships moving within enemy territories, as well as individual hunters themselves.

While effective against most prey, the camouflage doesn't grant true invisibility. An alert opponent would be able to notice the heatwave-like shimmer while the wearer is moving, especially noticeable when they move in front of bright light such as fire. The camouflage is also rendered useless against the keen senses of Xenomorphs.

The camouflage suit does not function well (if at all) immersed in water, and may be ineffective in enviroments saturated with material surrounding the wearer such as fog, rain, or dust. Any damage caused to the central electrical system can also disable the cloaking device.

Only mounted weapons are effected by the cloak. This includes concealed weapons like retracted wrist blades, collapsed spears or other weapons kept hidden by backpacks and so forth. Once extended or revealed, the weapon is visible.

I think Machiko is now my TOP 3 favorite female statues from Sideshow. Seriously these statues are amazing, love the base and the details.


The only other statues that are as good as those 3 are queen of the death and death's siren, but I am not into that line/horror.
I agree Mamba. Normally would never get any of those three but SS has really created some beautiful work and its hard to deny the urge.
I think Machiko is now my TOP 3 favorite female statues from Sideshow. Seriously these statues are amazing, love the base and the details.


The only other statues that are as good as those 3 are queen of the death and death's siren, but I am not into that line/horror.

I agree Mamba. Normally would never get any of those three but SS has really created some beautiful work and its hard to deny the urge.

Colossus Approved, all three already PO'd :rock:rock:rock:rock

Great Pic Mamba

I got 2 of 3 PO'd! WW just does nothing for me! She is a beautiful statue, but I do not collect DC or Marvel collectibles. I love everything about is gonna be a LONG wait until the middle of next year!
I got 2 of 3 PO'd! WW just does nothing for me! She is a beautiful statue, but I do not collect DC or Marvel collectibles. I love everything about is gonna be a LONG wait until the middle of next year!
Exactly the same for me...
Apart from the not collecting Marvel bit.
I guess I should not say I have 0 Marvel pieces....I ordered Gladiator Hulk, but I just can not let that one pass by. It is such a beautiful piece, and the price for the size/detail is perfect. I think I sit in the boat as many, and I buy what I like! It just makes it easier to budget when I only collect certain things.
I think Machiko is now my TOP 3 favorite female statues from Sideshow. Seriously these statues are amazing, love the base and the details.


The only other statues that are as good as those 3 are queen of the death and death's siren, but I am not into that line/horror.

Wait, have they posted anything else about Death's Siren?!!!! *runs off to look*

I love that WW pose but sadly, she does nothing for me as a character. They did make her look like a badass though, and I give them props for that. The spear will make her extraordinarily difficult to house on a lot of people's shelves.
Wait, have they posted anything else about Death's Siren?!!!! *runs off to look*

I love that WW pose but sadly, she does nothing for me as a character. They did make her look like a badass though, and I give them props for that. The spear will make her extraordinarily difficult to house on a lot of people's shelves.

I haven't seen nor read anything on Deaths Siren myself, Ramatuelle, hoping for something at SDCC14, if you hear anything, drop a dime (old Payphone Humor), That said, your little quote about Women are Angles made me Bust a Gut, Thank You for That

Be Cool
I haven't seen nor read anything on Deaths Siren myself, Ramatuelle, hoping for something at SDCC14, if you hear anything, drop a dime (old Payphone Humor), That said, your little quote about Women are Angles made me Bust a Gut, Thank You for That

Be Cool

I just saw her myself today, prior to all I had seen was the black-and-white outlines of the various figures. [It seems they have deviated significantly from the original design, I am not complaining though] I didn't even know there was a complete, painted figure out there. But there is! Scroll down to the bottom of this page, she is down there:

.... I collect mermaids, and short of an unforeseen disaster Gallevarbe WILL be gracing my shelves. [I really liked the Queen too, but I was not sufficiently moved to pull the trigger.]

Egads, she is huge. I already worried about where I am going to put Machiko, and now this even larger PF?!!! *sigh* love will find a way, baby.
I just saw her myself today, prior to all I had seen was the black-and-white outlines of the various figures. [It seems they have deviated significantly from the original design, I am not complaining though] I didn't even know there was a complete, painted figure out there. But there is! Scroll down to the bottom of this page, she is down there:

.... I collect mermaids, and short of an unforeseen disaster Gallevarbe WILL be gracing my shelves. [I really liked the Queen too, but I was not sufficiently moved to pull the trigger.]

Egads, she is huge. I already worried about where I am going to put Machiko, and now this even larger PF?!!! *sigh* love will find a way, baby.

Have you seen these Ramtuelle?

Courtesy of Arash


and these you have seen by ARH

Payman teased these on Facebook.


but after all that my Friend you need Gethsemoni Queen of the Dead

There are two things that make me concerned about Deaths Siren is the Release date and then the price, need some breathing room :lol:lol:lol

Be Cool Ramatuelle
God, she's gorgeous.


I am less thrilled about the dead bodies myself, but the two on each side are a pretty easy removal. This might be one time when I indeed tamper with a $400+ piece. The caged body underneath might be a little tougher..... might can minimize him though.

Also agreed that the Court of the Dead line is a little more hard-core horror than I usually go for. Gethsemoni is really well-done though. That Red Death piece would not come within a thousand yards of my house :cool:

The mermaid duo is really pretty, I like them.
The Mermaid with the bodies entangled, not to my taste.
Like the 'Jack The Ripper' piece :yuck

and Jack is not mine but Generals Death well that is another story :lol:lol:lol

God, she's gorgeous.


I am less thrilled about the dead bodies myself, but the two on each side are a pretty easy removal. This might be one time when I indeed tamper with a $400+ piece. The caged body underneath might be a little tougher..... might can minimize him though.

Also agreed that the Court of the Dead line is a little more hard-core horror than I usually go for. Gethsemoni is really well-done though. That Red Death piece would not come within a thousand yards of my house :cool:

The mermaid duo is really pretty, I like them.

I do agree they are Hard Core Horror for most but she is Gorgeous, just hope the timing works and price

Be Cool my Friends