Oh dude, I am so with you on that one.
linkage spenser ( i want to see the video)! i'd be down to do that if i didn't have a fulltime job lol
oh man I don't know if it's still around, this was about 8 or 9 years ago...![]()
I waited for my Joker sculpt for months too while he sold them on Ebay the whole time.![]()
I feel sorry for Nanjin if it dosen’t work out, that guys done so much hard work on that project.
You lost me on that one. You'll have to send me a link.
Dude, if he really is scamming us I think he will get into a world of trouble. I mean, the 1/6 community has grown vastly in the last few years and despite the size, we're very tightly knit. Screw up in one board and you've basically closed doors in all boards.
And since he's a sculptor working for companies as well, the bad rep can really hurt him.
There's people in these boards with contacts to the industry as well.
So for everybody's sake, I really do hope he's not a scammer.
If he were, why would he show WIP sculpts of Kirk and McCoy? Why would he sculpt House? I don't know, it just seems to me that things must've gotten out of hand in his life and it is affecting an already disorderly way of conducting business.
you can't keep getting advances from people and not turning out product back.
gotta be talking thousands of dollars here.
I just did a little search and here's a list of projects that people paid for and/or were in the development:
1.- Dr. Who
2.- X-Files, Lone Gunmen
3.- Star Trek, Spock and Kirk
4.- House, Hugh Laurie
5.- Ghostbusters, Ray, Peter, Egon, Winston
6.- Gladiator, Maximus
7.- Dexter
8.- Firefly
9.- Jack Torrance, the Shinning
10.- My Name is Earl, Jason Lee
11.- Sarah Connor Chronicles, Summer Glau
12.- Dark Knight, Alfred, Gordon
13.- Lost, Sawyer
14.- Happy Days, The Fonz
15.- Jean Reno
16.- Lost Boys, David
17.- Sean Bean...
If anyone wants to add to the list or delete, let me know...
I just did a quick search but according to what I saw, payments were sent for these...
That's a LOT of projects if you ask me...