Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)
Also I know we were talking about how AEG's "AA" moment one-upped similar scenes in LOTR but really we now have three top shelf franchises that really compliment each other well.
SW OT: Pinnacle of space adventure films
LOTR: Pinnacle of fantasy adventure films
MCU (up toe AEG): Pinnacle of superhero films
Obviously with regard to importance nothing tops the OT and for pure filmmaking FOTR/TTT/ROTK don't have a single weak entry but otherwise all three series' offer things the other two don't have. Peter Jackson even acknowledged the difficulty of trying to construct a satisfying final battle in ROTK with no Emperor/Thanos character in tangible form, just a big eye on top of a tower, lol. ROTJ was epic and awesome but still had the main heroes split across three separate battlefields. AEG finally gave us a finale with all surviving good guys against all the bad guys on a single battlefield personally led by the main villain.
The GoT creators and JJ Abrams can't be happy about having to close their sagas after this, lol.
JJ used to be all "sweet my movie follows TLJ!" and now he's just "f---!" lol
Also I know we were talking about how AEG's "AA" moment one-upped similar scenes in LOTR but really we now have three top shelf franchises that really compliment each other well.
SW OT: Pinnacle of space adventure films
LOTR: Pinnacle of fantasy adventure films
MCU (up toe AEG): Pinnacle of superhero films
Obviously with regard to importance nothing tops the OT and for pure filmmaking FOTR/TTT/ROTK don't have a single weak entry but otherwise all three series' offer things the other two don't have. Peter Jackson even acknowledged the difficulty of trying to construct a satisfying final battle in ROTK with no Emperor/Thanos character in tangible form, just a big eye on top of a tower, lol. ROTJ was epic and awesome but still had the main heroes split across three separate battlefields. AEG finally gave us a finale with all surviving good guys against all the bad guys on a single battlefield personally led by the main villain.
The GoT creators and JJ Abrams can't be happy about having to close their sagas after this, lol.
JJ used to be all "sweet my movie follows TLJ!" and now he's just "f---!" lol