Avengers: Endgame

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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

His braided beard was soooo bad ass!

Yeah it was, lol.

Three days later I still get chills thinking of the audience reaction to everyone coming out of the portals at the end. I mean Han Solo flying out of the sun to help Luke will always be the definitive "yahoo!" rescue moment but I have never, ever experienced a film that elicited so many constant back to back cheers. All of Cap's moments plus all of the returning hero moments. How can this possibly ever be topped?

And almost the entire library of MCU films is better now. How can I not tear up at "on your left" just in the opening of TWS now or Peggy pulling out skinny Steve's photo at the end of TFA, lol. :thud:
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Yeah it was, lol.

Three days later I still get chills thinking of the audience reaction to everyone coming out of the portals at the end. I mean Han Solo flying out of the sun to help Luke will always be the definitive "yahoo!" rescue moment but I have never, ever experienced a film that elicited so many constant back to back cheers. All of Cap's moments plus all of the returning hero moments. How can this possibly ever be topped?

And almost the entire library of MCU films is better now. How can I not tear up at "on your left" just in the opening of TWS now, lol. :thud:

Oh gosh yes “on your left” was so perfect it was incredible how they did it too with the battlefield very silent and then we the audience hear “Cap” the same time that Cap does and he then lifts his finger up to his ear com.


I can picture JAWS in the theater being like “please say Hulk too” :lol
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I was puzzled and annoyed with how small Hulk look when the battle kicked in to high gear. Anybody else notice this?
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Oh gosh yes “on your left” was so perfect it was incredible how they did it too with the battlefield very silent and then we the audience hear “Cap” the same time that Cap does and he then lifts his finger up to his ear com.


I can picture JAWS in the theater being like “please say Hulk too” :lol

Lol! :rotfl

I liked that big gorilla thing fighting with Thanos' troops. PJ was watching that going "wait I could have just put Kong right in LOTR??"

Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

That said possibly the most heartbreaking moment in the film was Clint and Natasha's battling each other to prevent the other person's suicide. Ugh. Especially since I knew that I couldn't root for either and that one of them would inevitably win. HE got a *huge* boost in likability in this movie after the gut punch opening scene and giving it all he had to save Widow.
I also took minor issue with that scene. It was appropriate for the characters, and had a nice, dramatic payoff. BUT, I'm pretty sure Skull said that you have to sacrifice something you love to get the soul stone. Weren't both of these characters experiencing some pretty major self-loathing at this point? So, did they really love themselves? And if you get the stone by sacrificing something, but you sacrifice yourself, shouldn't no one end up with the stone?

Again, minor quibble, but this movie is littered with little things like this that they probably could have avoided if they spent a little more effort on it. Old man Steve is probably the worst culprit though, IMO.

I think I found a flaw in the 2014 Thanos strategy, he captures future Nebula and from her finds out about the time travel plan to undo the snap and from this he deduces that he will succeed in finding and using the stones...so why not just stay put? He knows he finds and uses the stones but he is also now aware that that can be undone by the remaining avengers, so why not just wait and let time go by collect all the stones but instead of wiping out half of everything he can goto plan B and wipe out everything?

Of course he's portrayed as impatient and overconfident and thinks a quick trip to the future to grab the gauntlet is a quick fix but that would seem to go against his general personality who we know has spent many many years planing the universes destruction, I think he might be far more likely to think, let them have their fun, reverse the snap I'll just make it more permanent the next...first time.
On that note. . .how convenient was it that Nebula's videos show about how she has been working to deceive and defeat Thanos. But despite the fact that they want to see her entire archive of memories, no hint that any of Gamora's deception and inherent goodness was shown to Thanos. If it had shown up there, he might have killed her outright, or at least locked her up until he needed to sacrifice her for the soul stone.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I also took minor issue with that scene. It was appropriate for the characters, and had a nice, dramatic payoff. BUT, I'm pretty sure Skull said that you have to sacrifice something you love to get the soul stone. Weren't both of these characters experiencing some pretty major self-loathing at this point? So, did they really love themselves? And if you get the stone by sacrificing something, but you sacrifice yourself, shouldn't no one end up with the stone?

I think that HE and BW were both what the other person loved most (since HE's family was gone at least) and they both knew it. So one of them had to lose the other and apparently failing to prevent the other's suicide counts as a sacrifice. But then again all they had to go on is what the Red Skull of all people was telling them.

If I had to explain it away I'd say that the Soul Stone only appears to someone absolutely devastated by personal loss, regardless of how the loss occurred.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Disney to Universal: "We buy the Hulk or we buy YOU. Do you like being studio executives? Because technically we don't actually need any more..."

Universal: *gulp*


It may actually be the opposite in the case of who buys who...Universal is part of Comcast the way ESPN is part of Disney...I think Comcast actually has a slightly higher value than Disney so Universal / Comcast would be more likely to keep the Hulk and buy the rest of the Disney portfolio if it ever came down to one buying the other.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

It may actually be the opposite in the case of who buys who...Universal is part of Comcast the way ESPN is part of Disney...I think Comcast actually has a slightly higher value than Disney so Universal / Comcast would be more likely to keep the Hulk and buy the rest of the Disney portfolio if it ever came down to one buying the other.

Oh wow, lol.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

There's a very clear, ironclad, logical explanation for each and every one of your supposed "plot holes:"

Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Earlier I said that with AEG I finally have an MCU movie that I can unequivocally say surpasses BB/TDK and Logan but I didn't say it to ruffle anyone's feathers or suggest that any of the prior three films are lacking. I wouldn't have wanted Logan to be AEG nor would I want AEG to be Logan. BB was pretty much perfect to me and then with TDK nothing needs to be said about the Joker.

And as perfect an experience that I thought AEG was I'm absolutely still *ridiculously* excited for the new Joker flick. I think that that one also might surpass the first three movies I mentioned. We'll see.

But it just blows my mind that I live in a world where I can have BB/TDK/Logan and IW/AEG on the shelf. :thud:
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

My first impression is that I liked Infinity War quite a bit more than Endgame. Hard for me to compare it with the good Nolan films or Logan, though. They are so different. It's a bit like comparing Casablanca to Star Wars for me. All are extremely good at what they set out to do.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

My first impression is that I liked Infinity War quite a bit more than Endgame. Hard for me to compare it with the good Nolan films or Logan, though. They are so different. It's a bit like comparing Casablanca to Star Wars for me. All are extremely good at what they set out to do.

Yes, exactly. It's not an either/or fanboy thing to me, just a preference of AEG to Nolan/Logan like I prefer SW to Casablanca (though yes the giddy fan service moments in AEG do indeed put it into the stratosphere for me.) And I think your preference for IW over AEG will likely be the norm for those judging the two strictly on filmmaking craft.

Like in LOTR nothing beats the battles or feels of ROTK but FOTR is definitely the true masterpiece of the trilogy.

IW-EG is just a single 5 1/2 movie for me lol

Yeah I'm good with that now too, lol.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Endgame definitely gets bonus points for giving us so many emotional payoffs, though I just wish they did spend a little more time working out the logical inconsistencies that were hard for me to ignore since the movie set up rules, then just disregarded them when convenient.

It reminds me of Dark Knight Rises in that respect. I suspect that the filmmakers in both cases were pressured to get things finished in a certain timeline, and had to put a bow on things in a certain way that probably impacted their ability to make sure everything was tidy. On balance, it worked out fine in this movie, though. And Dark Knight Rises even looks pretty damn good in hindsight, comparing it with the horrible Snyder movies that came after. Unbelievable that WB let him have such control for so long.