Avengers: Endgame

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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

So how many days until AEG becomes the first billion dollar domestic grosser? :thud:

:lol :lol

I know it’s important to focus on narrative and plot details but I just can’t stop thinking about the superhero on superhero set pieces that exist just within 2 movies that are IW and EG it’s just staggering.

What I wanted as a kid has now finally become a reality.

C’mon man the freaking Avengers a cartoon book on my desk as a kid.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Did anyone else feel Captain Marvel was underutilized? I was expecting more presence from her given her powers, the situation and with Fury calling her in during the snap.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Endgame definitely gets bonus points for giving us so many emotional payoffs, though I just wish they did spend a little more time working out the logical inconsistencies that were hard for me to ignore since the movie set up rules, then just disregarded them when convenient.

It reminds me of Dark Knight Rises in that respect. I suspect that the filmmakers in both cases were pressured to get things finished in a certain timeline, and had to put a bow on things in a certain way that probably impacted their ability to make sure everything was tidy. On balance, it worked out fine in this movie, though. And Dark Knight Rises even looks pretty damn good in hindsight, comparing it with the horrible Snyder movies that came after. Unbelievable that WB let him have such control for so long.

Yeah I really think it's fair to compare the way AEG wrapped everything up to the somewhat illogical/overly convenient ways that ROTJ and TDKR wrapped up their respective sagas. Clearly it's hard to cross every T and dot every i in ways that leave no narrative holes. So maybe that's why I find those things easier to forgive or it's just me willfully turning a blind eye to them.

Because when you nail the action, the emotion, and characters being true to who they are then I think all that covers a multitude of sins. In fact in my mind the only reason that more people didn't forgive TDKR and TLJ was because in how they were perceived to fail the "characters being true to who they are" requirement.

The Ancient one also kicked Hulk's ass. One shot him in fact. Sorry, JAWS. :wave

Oh man, lol. And that's right she's the Ancient One I called her the Master in my Cap video, lol.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Like in LOTR nothing beats the battles or feels of ROTK but FOTR is definitely the true masterpiece of the trilogy.


This! :lecture

I really enjoyed that trilogy but the world-building, grounded approach and slow build of FOTR makes it my favourite.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Did anyone else feel Captain Marvel was underutilized? I was expecting more presence from her given her powers, the situation and with Fury calling her in during the snap.
Red Letter Media guys suggest that the Russos were saddled with her, but didn't want to use her, so put her in where they had to, but no more than that. And if that's true, I can understand it.

I thought her film was fine, and understand where Marvel is coming from in trying to establish a major, female mega hero. But I personally didn't have any strong attachment to her character in either film she was in so far. She is flawed, but they don't explore those flaws nearly enough to make her 3-dimensional or all that likable IMO. She doesn't overcome nearly the adversity that others have, and doesn't even show herself to be intrinsically moral and good in the way that others are.

So, if I'm the Russos, and don't have time to flesh her character out beyond her being like a more smug and less interesting version of Superman, I would probably do the same thing they did.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Red Letter Media guys suggest that the Russos were saddled with her, but didn't want to use her, so put her in where they had to, but no more than that. And if that's true, I can understand it.

I thought her film was fine, and understand where Marvel is coming from in trying to establish a major, female mega hero. But I personally didn't have any strong attachment to her character in either film she was in so far. She is flawed, but they don't explore those flaws nearly enough to make her 3-dimensional or all that likable IMO. She doesn't overcome nearly the adversity that others have, and doesn't even show herself to be intrinsically moral and good in the way that others are.

So, if I'm the Russos, and don't have time to flesh her character out beyond her being like a more smug and less interesting version of Superman, I would probably do the same thing they did.

Yeah that seems to be the case. And I agree a smug "yeah I just destroyed your satellite *******" Superman type character has very little place outside of the Snyderverse IMO.

Here's an interesting video that just popped up that does seem to corroborate the notion that the Russos fought to keep her out of the film, or that the very least to have her have minimal involvement. They pretty much address it in the first five minutes or so:

And lol at the Missing poster in the video's thumbnail.
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Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

This was the first film where I could really feel a Disney agenda, and to me it didn't feel as bad as the way Disney Wars pushes, so I'm grateful we got to the end before they mettle too much.

I'm indifferent on how much Captain Marvel we got, though I wanted to see her and Thor together because I thought their personalities could make for some interesting scenes, I was just taken back by the build up vs payoff with her, where in most cases like hers, the character ends up playing a significant role in the next film they appear in.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Did anyone else feel Captain Marvel was underutilized? I was expecting more presence from her given her powers, the situation and with Fury calling her in during the snap.

No, this film was about the original six members. CM had 3 big moments that showed her powers and why Fury called her, when she alone took down the spaceship back to earth from god knows where, saving Tony's life, when she destroyed Thanos' spaceship, and when Thanos headbutts her and she pushes him back. That's more than some other characters got to do in this film, imo. I have to say, I don't mind the character. I like her new costume and haircut, but she's a newbie, so the attachment isn't there like there is with the original six and even some of the other characters like Spidey or the GOTG. The theater erupted in cheers when Black Panther shows up, same with Dr. Strange. CM got a good reaction from the crowd when she shows up in the final battle tho...I guess that's how much people hated Thanos. :lol
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Did anyone else feel Captain Marvel was underutilized? I was expecting more presence from her given her powers, the situation and with Fury calling her in during the snap.

I think she served her bigger purpose in the beginning, she was called in to wreck shop and the first mission she takes on with the group pretty serves her purpose to the story. After that there's really nothing for her to do until the end just because of how the plot unfolds, she would be almost useless in the grand scheme of things.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I think that HE and BW were both what the other person loved most (since HE's family was gone at least) and they both knew it. So one of them had to lose the other and apparently failing to prevent the other's suicide counts as a sacrifice. But then again all they had to go on is what the Red Skull of all people was telling them.

If I had to explain it away I'd say that the Soul Stone only appears to someone absolutely devastated by personal loss, regardless of how the loss occurred.

Trying to recall who assigned them to retrieve the Soul Stone. They were unfortunately the best teammates to make the attempt.

Also, in Infinity War, I remember noticing a bloodstain on the ground on the shot of Gamora falling. I have to rewatch that scene. If the stain was indeed there that was good subtle foreshadowing.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

That said possibly the most heartbreaking moment in the film was Clint and Natasha's battling each other to prevent the other person's suicide. Ugh. Especially since I knew that I couldn't root for either and that one of them would inevitably win. HE got a *huge* boost in likability in this movie after the gut punch opening scene and giving it all he had to save Widow.

This is actually one of the scenes I didn't care for, the back and forth really cheapened the moment for me and I felt the scene that played out in IW was far better than how it was done here. I was still shocked at the outcome but yea I feel like it could have been done a lot better.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

Crowd reacted most to Black Panther in my showing.

Obviously the idea was to make Captain Marvel a "strong" character in many ways, but there's not enough exploration to show us that it's earned. On a related note, Joe Bob Briggs had a discussion on "strong female character" a few weeks back on Shudder, and I thought he made a great point. Whenever the studio suits get together, they inevitably seem to discuss the need to insert a "strong ____" character, whether that is female, gay, black, etc., because they feel the need to check this off their list of politically correct things to do. But when you think about the best, most memorable film characters from any group over history, they are complex characters who encounter and usually overcome adversity. Frankly, I think Snyder did a better job of that than Cap. Marvel did in her film. Imagine the trauma of watching your father commit suicide by tornado!
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

At first I was surprised they killed BW half way in the movie but then it quickly became apparent putting it in the 2nd act made perfect sense.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

At first I was surprised they killed BW half way in the movie but then it quickly became apparent putting it in the 2nd act made perfect sense.

Yeah it was brilliant to let the audience grieve for her alone before recovering and grieving for Stark at the end. It would have somewhat cheapened both her and Stark's death if it they were combined into a more generalized "group casualties" kind of thing.
Re: Avengers: Endgame (April 26th, 2019)

I'm already expecting to see Fat Thor Cosplays everywhere during SDCC lol